Monthly Archives: April 2013

Knockspell #3 – Labyrinth Tomb of the Minotaur Lord

  by R. Lawrence Blake Knockspell Magazine Labyrinth Lord Levels 3-5 A decent little romp through a pyramid ‘labyrinth’ dungeon, complete with minotaurs. It’s got a heavy trick/trap ratio, shit that don’t make sense, and is a wonderful little place … Continue reading

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Knockspell #3 – The Font of Glee

by Jason Sholtis Knockspell D&D Level 1 This is a glorified lair dungeon. But oh, what glory! At one point there is a giant snake that a big lump in it: a still alive hysterically cackling little devil laughing. And … Continue reading

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Footprints #17 – The (False) Tomb of Horrors

by Joseph Pallai Freely Distributed by Dragonsfoot AD&D Levels 12-14 It’s the Tomb of Horrors. Do you like the Tomb of Horrors? If you do then you’ll like this. If you think the Tomb is a pain in the ass … Continue reading

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Footprints #16 – Bandit Stronghold

by Brian Wells Freely distributed by Dragonsfoot AD&D Levels 2-4 This is a short little assault/infiltration of a bandit lair that it set in to a cliffside. Decent loot and an attempt at a decent location differentiate this one. The … Continue reading

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Footprints #15 – The Haunted Inn of the Little Bear

by Brian Wells Freely distributed by Dragonsfoot AD&D Levels 1-3 This is a short adventure through a small haunted roadside inn. It has a couple of decent elements but devolves in to “find and figure out the one clue we … Continue reading

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Footprints #13 – Tower of the Elephant

by Thulsa Freely distributed by Dragonsfoot AD&D Levels 4-6 The shimmering shaft of the tower rose frostily in the stars. In the sunlight it shone so dazzlingly that few could bear its glare, and men said it was built of … Continue reading

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Footprints #10 – Death from Above!

by Michael Haskell Freely distributed by Dragonsfoot AD&D Levels 6-9  A journey through the most boring fantastic location ever described. Five lame rooms. A two page write-up of the last room that manages to communicate nothing. No, hang on, this … Continue reading

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Scourge of the Demon Wolf

by Rob Conley for Bat in the Attic Games Swords & Wizardry Three died. They were mauled beyond recognition. The Baron sent his huntsmen to kill the beasts and for a fortnight they tramped across the countryside. Between their whoring … Continue reading

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Footprints #9 – The Emporer’s Lost Army

by John Turcotte Freely distributed by Dragonsfoot AD&D Levels 5-7  This is a short adventure with a couple of sites in a ruined city and a short little linear tomb with a couple of encounters. The theme here is something … Continue reading

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Footprints #6 – The Ebony Tower

by James M. Ward Freely distributed by Dragonsfoot AD&D Levels 1-6/Any This is a short little adventure in an abandoned wizards tower. It has a slow feeling to it, or maybe its melancholy? Anyway, the adventure is full of stone … Continue reading

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