About Bryce …

Bryce Lynch

Too often we have to make a purchasing decision based on a couple of sentences in a publisher marketing announcement. The purpose of these reviews is to provide more information about these products so you can make an intelligent decision about buying the product.

  • I buy everything I review. No exceptions.
  • Contact me at br*********@gm***.com  (that’s a ZERO in there.)
  • I archive all of my reviews at RPGgeek. I believe that its association with BGG means it has the best chance to survive the transitory nature of the Internet.
  • Drop me a line if you’re going to be in Indianapolis!


  • SSL is now enabled. 1/1/19
  • Best Of and Levels tags updated 1/1/19.
  • I sell out and add a donate button after 7 years. 1/8/19.
  • Affiliate links/clean up of links?
  • Patreon?

26 Responses to About Bryce …

  1. Ben A says:

    Just discovered your site and I love it. The archives will be giving me ideas for month. Will you be running any games at or during Gen Con this year?

  2. Bryce Lynch says:

    Sadly, no. It’s a Family Con, so I play what my kids want to play.

  3. George says:

    Hi Bryce, I really enjoy your reviews! I wanted to ask you, what are the retro-clone systems you are currently playing/have played/rate the most? I’m a 2nd ed guy, and with this whole OSR movement, suddenly there is a treasure trove of interesting modules out there. Since I never played the older editions, I don’t have a strong affinity for a particular iteration. I wanted to ask you for your recommendation: would I get the most out of picking three separate clones – one for OD&D, one for BD&D and one for AD&D 1st ed? Or could I kill 3 birds with one stone with something like Castles & Crusades? Also, I’d like to draw your attention to this ruleset: http://rolesrules.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/new-52-pages-draft-download.html
    I played it in a convention with the guy who made it, and really enjoyed it. You might find it interesting. All the best, and keep these reviews coming!

  4. Bryce Lynch says:

    52 is pretty cool.

    I like Basic D&D/Magenta the best, but, in actuality, I like rules light systems and tend to run everything the same way anyway. Black Hack, Basic, and 5e are what I use the most these days, depending on how much I have to market. Everything but 4 is pretty much the same anyway, except for the power curve.

  5. designbot says:

    Hi, Bryce. Is there a reason you don’t link to product purchase pages in your reviews? I always find myself futilely clicking the thumbnail and then combing through Google.

  6. Wayne Goldsmith says:

    Thank you so much for your reviews. I really appreciate you wading through the muck to find us gold nuggets.

  7. rredmond says:

    Dig your site. Was even mentioned in a review once!
    Didn’t see an email for you, but what happened to The Throne of the Gods review? Email has a broken link and search doesn’t show it. Hope all is well!

  8. Kent says:

    Don’t forget the About Bryce … thread.

    You went nuclear without any dialogue, that’s cowardly.

  9. Edgewise says:

    Hey Bryce, here’s the ping you requested.

    I thought I already left one but I don’t see it now. Oh well!

  10. Bryce, thought you and the fans here would enjoy this. A lot of territory you have gone over….


  11. Anonymous says:

    Where are your own created OSR adventures?

  12. Jeremiah says:

    Do you pick all the adventures you review personally, or is there a way to solicit a review?

  13. Dafne says:

    Hello lovely Bryce! I like the site and the reviews so much. Your style is so unique and you review EVERYTHING! I just found this and was surprised to see that “bigotry is nothing”. I can’t tell you how often I’ve encountered bizarre, hateful bigotry in the RPGs, and how feels so good someone like you who does such prolific work come out and take a stand. Thanks! Just one question. What do you drink to get you through all the junk? I will send you an extra bottle next time! )

  14. Anonymous says:

    Bryce has been effective in keeping both extreme racial hatred and insane leftist politics from this blog and should be commended.

  15. mostlymindless says:

    Just discovered this. Amazing stuff and so entertainingly readable. Will be poring over through the archives tonight.

  16. Bryce Stitch says:

    It’s good to remember how easy it is to destroy something, and how difficult it is to create. Best of luck

    • Posterior Pain says:

      Completely disagree. Criticism is harder than creation. Bryce’s contributions to our hobby are more valuable than the vast majority of authors he’s reviewed. He’s the one we need to remember to thank and encourage to keep going

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