Occluded Keep of the Doomed Elementalist

By Eon Fontes-May
YouCanBreatheNow Games
Levels 3-4

For as long as we can remember, the landmark has been a facade of solid stone. False windows and doors carved into the rock. But Sly Diego found a way inside. He says it’s hollow, there’s a whole building in there. And now he’s telling anyone and everyone the way in. So… who will be the first to plunder the creations of the mad elementalist and discover his strange fate?

This eleven page adventure uses four pages to describe about thirty locations on a four level wizard home/tower. It avoids a most traditional wizard tower mistake but is padded out with bland writing. 

The old wizzo home is slowly being turned in to stone, from the outside in. Hence it looks like a stone facade. Dude found a way in through an underground river coming up through a well and has been selling the location. Thus we have an adventure in a small two-story home with a connected wizard tower. And when I said “avoids a mistake” I meant that part, the layout of the map. Instead of just a tower we’ve got the attached home as well. We’ve got some good secret doors in the place, some secret tunnels for the servants, teleport circle, extradimensional biomes. It’s doing a good job of trying to combat the traditional issues that a small tower has ni terms of map complexity. It’s still not gonna be the greatest exploration ever. It is, after all, a house. But it does well with what it has for the size to jazz the travel between locations up just a little bit. A mural of a classic garden, and if you push the door handle then you find the secret door in to the wardrobe in the next room. Nifty! 

There’s also a pretty decent magic item or two, like an ever-glowing coal. Which is exactly what it sounds like. What kind of shenanigans can you get up to with something like that? I can think of a lot! And I love magic items like that. Not just a mechanical bonus but something that you can use, creatively, as a player. There’s another adventuring party also and their descriptions are pretty decent as well. “Unarmored and keenly aware of it” or “a bit too brave” or “a real cutthroat.” That’s pretty much what I need in order to riff on it. I’m down for this. 

I mentioned the other adventuring party. A great deal of the play in this, I suspect, is that party interacting with the party. The environment here is a little static and without the other party there to add some hit and run tension then I suspect its going to be a rather unassuming adventure. There’s very little on the other party, but there are designers notes on them. I suspect that, instead of the designery notes that could have been replaced with a tip or two on their hit & run stuff, or a couple of ideas. This falls in line with a desire for the designer to provide the DM options and tools to make the game fun.

And then there’s the rest of the thing.

The map is hand drawn and a bit hard to grok. I don’t like “hard to grok.” One of the major conceits in tenfootpolelandia is that things shouldnt be hard to grok. The monster descriptions are kind of meh. There’s a whole page of them and they just don’t really have descriptions at all. At least not really about how they look, act, etc. It’s more backstory than relevant to play at the table. Make those monsters scary and give them great things to do! 

And, the descriptions are generally poor and padded out. We learn tha the house was built over a small cave with a river in it that they use for fresh water and to dump their sewage in to. That’s pretty obvious from the “Well” thing in the kitchen and the cave being the way in. We’re told that one of the rooms was once the loading room where they stored good, but is now empty. Where have I heard that one before? As, yes, the platonic example, the war trophy room that went on and on only to end with “and now its empty.” Or, for the winter biome, noting that water magic was always the dudes weakest elemental magic so he made it solid water, snow, in order to help him control it. Great. No gameplay effect. There’s a “dread windmill that inspires fear!” but, really, the next sentence then describes the windmill and shows us, instead of telling us, about what it is that causes that fear. “A skilled thief can bypass the door lock and trap, of course.” Yeah, that’s what they do. And a fighter can stab the monster, of course. It must be that every room here is padded out with this sort of thing. This makes the entries long and confusing. 

Not that there’s a whole lot going on here anyway. As I noted, that other party is going to have play a HUGE part of the adventure. There’s some stuff to interact with but also it feels more like one of those museum tour adventures. The “turning to stone” thing isn’t used very well beyond window dressing. A room where dude was growing a gibberring mouther now is all stone and looks like freaky flesh sculpture walls. That’s all. And, we’ve got a lot of stone guardians and the like to battle.

The passage elements here are pretty nice. And, thirtyish rooms in four pages is not bad. But it lacks the verve that good writing brings to the game, inspiring the DM and planting an image in their head. And the interactivity just feels … sullen?

This is $6 at DriveThru. The preview is the entire thing, so good preview.


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The Mosidian Temple

By David Flor
Darklight Interactive
Levels 6-10

For over a hundred years, THE MOSIDIAN TEMPLE stood isolated and undisturbed in the desert to the southeast, a monument to the rulers of old that is visited only by a few obsessed cult followers of a group known as the Mosidian Order. Now the nearby towns are threatened with annihilation unless a set of artifacts are recovered from deep within the infamous temple. It is the time for an elite group of heroes to enter THE MOSIDIAN TEMPLE, navigate its secrets, and recover the artifacts from the temple’s depths.

This fifty page adventure uses about twenty pages to describe around twenty rooms in a smaller dungeon that leads to a a 3hirty-ish room larger dungeon. The challenges here are iconic, in a trophy way, once after another, but ultimately feel like a tournament dungeon instead of an exploration dungeon. And an overwritten one at that.

This is an unusual beast. It’s an adventure created by someone in their youth, in the days of 1e. Found, and converted to OSRIC, and, presumably, the text updated? If not, then the eleven year old gets designer of the year award for the 80’s! But, as a document to run a modern game from, it suffers from the usual wordiness that we see in a lot of published adventures. While it’s unclear if the text has been updated, I’m going to review it as if the room concepts were kept and the text updated. 

The exuberance of youth is on full display in the concepts of the various rooms here. You want a fire trap in a room? Great! How about it come from some dragon heads on the wall? Bridges over chasms. A giant dragon statue on a room (a small room. As the designer notes, sometimes the exuberance of youth takes over where some common sense could do better.) A silver mirror in a room transports people, and a collapsed hallway has a chest peeking out. A hall of doors and, of course, the demon summoning room with a potential Balor. A magic longsword driven in to an obsidian obelisk. And, of course, the required temple room is replete with cultists worshiping. All of those magnificent tropes from your youth. A statues eyes begin to glow red. Oh no! These are all great ideas and the adventure is chock full of them. And, in some cases, may have even had more. The designer notes that the earth elemental was going to be made of coal before they changed it in the revision. Boo! Boo I say sir! I want a coal earth elemental!

I talk sometimes about imagining a thing first and then figuring out later what mechanics to give it. Let the wonders of your mind roam without being burdened by mechanics and statistics, a world without D&D books, and then figure out how to stat the thing. And this thing FEELS like that in many places. The designer explicitly notes that this was not the case, entirely. He saw a cool dragon in the FIend Folio and wanted to stick it in his dungeon so he did. Whatever. Youthful exuberance, again, as the pretext for this working out mostly ok in this dungeon. It feels like you encounter wondrous things and situations, without them feeling forced or just thrown in for the sake of being there. (Even though they were. 😉

But I wouldn’t go whipping out the credit card yet. I might summarize this one as decent concepts poorly written up. The text drags on and on. In some places reaching column size or more, for relatively simple rooms. It is the usual suspects. A padding out of useless words. Appears to be. The statue is actually. The jewels can be removed from the statue with a dagger or similar tool. These are all paddings of one form or another. And it REALLY likes to pad things out. This leads to rooms with multiple paragraphs that are less clear than a tightly written few sentences would be. 

It’s not such a mess that you can’t run it, but, I’d have to ask why you would want to. This gets to the basic quandary in the market. Everything ever written is now available. Why are you selecting one product over another? My standards are high because of this. I’m not interested in a product that actively works against comprehension. I’m looking for something full of wonder, tight, evocative. A rare exception, like Thracia, might slip through, but only because of the heights that is reaches makes it worth it, even today, to put in the effort. While the contents here, the situations in the rooms, are fun in places, it doesn’t trump the slog through the text, and, thusly, remains a piece of nostalgia.

This is $13 at DriveThru. The preview is five pages and you get to see a few of the wilderness areas. If you squint hard you can ell that the dungeon chambers will be more of the same, in terms of style. A few of those, a page or so, would have been nice to see also.


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Shadow of the Deep King

By Glenn Robinson
Self Published
Levels 4-6

Once upon a time, this was Dwarf land, with all their stone houses and secret tunnels. But then, they vanished, like they were never here. And we came along, making our homes in this old, empty place. Some of their buildings were still standing, but they were like empty shells, missing all the cool stuff they used to have. But guess what? Folks say the dwarves are coming back. We’ve only heard stories about them, never actually seen one for real. But our grandparents, they tell us if a dwarf’s shadow touches you, you gotta spit on the ground to keep away bad luck.

This 46 page adventure has 32 linear rooms in an old dwarf base under a hill. It’s a weird one in that while it APPEARS to have some descriptions and interesting things, it actually does not. With a decent mythology and final encounter, it doesn’t really give you a decent journey, just a destination.

This adventure has one really interesting thing going on. The final room is a large underground lake in a cavern. In th e middle is an island, and there’s a flooded causeway just a few inches under the water that can get you there. On it is the big boss, trapped, because he’s surrounded by water. If the water level lowers then the dude can get free. Ought oh! The use of water brings back those cultural memories. An underwater causeway is great imagery as well. There’s a big  skull on the island, which is great. All pretty well done. Well, except maybe for the fact that you don’t know what you are doing if you stop the water.Youget a clue, in the form of some wall writing in a room with the flow of water in it, room two: “My flow holds back the darkness Hinder me not, lest you awaken the shadow in our hearts “ We get one hint and it’s a bit ambiguous, not knowing yet that the dude lives on an island underground, etc. Just, hey, don’t push the button. I’m not morally opposed to Fuck Around And Find Out. But, pushing you’re luck, and making intentional decisions about risk/reward just hit better. Knowing what you are doing can cause problem, but, man, I really want that Hand of Vecna … this is the tension that D&D thrives on. So, decent concept for that last room with the overall effect being dragged down by the decisions you make in room two. 

The rest of the adventure, I’m afraid, I can’t be so kind to.

No real backstory. We’re trying, it feels like, to tell it through the keys. Which is a great concept. But it comes off VERY disconnected. There’s a road, for example, running through the forest. It crosses a stream. Further in there’s a pool. The pool is a kind of keyed encounter. It tells us that there is a sign on the road where it crosses the stream that the body of water is Stonegrievers Creek. Well, fuck me man, that would have been nice to know back on the road, yeah? And it does this all over the place. There are these little bits of info that ae out of place of where they should be. 

There MIGHT be a wilderness adventure here also, to kick us off, as you travel to the hill. The hexes are one mile across and you have to travel, I don’t know, two hexes on a road? There are really only three hexes presented, completely, on the map. This is supported by two or three pages of tables for you to roll on. A 2 in 6 chance every turn. Yes, every turn. No less than eight different tables to walk … two miles? Fortunately the vast VAST majority of the stuff is not an actual encounter. It’s a bunny rabbit running away or some “escalate the tension” stuff, like the wind blowing hard. And, the cyclops, dragon and wyvern table. All three. No, not all three. You have to pick one, to lair in the dwarf hill. But all three are presented. I fucking hat eit when they do this. Just pick one and go for it man. Theme the fucking thing around it. Dragon dung, a pair of binoculars torn apart. Pick one and go, otherwise it comes off, as it does here, generic and perfunctory. 

Inside the dwarf home we get … not much in the way of interesting writing.The Well room is described as “clear and fresh.” This is outstanding for this adventure. Most rooms do not really get a description. More of a “contents of the room” instead. And, sometimes, “Reception: 30′ tall space of dressed stone and a mosaic floor with geometric patterns.” The scriptorium trades prose for bullet points telling us about leather books, and then dusty bookcases, and then large crates. The description is disjointed. It doesnt consider the room as a whole and, if we were to go with the formatting it is using, the bookcase and crates should probably appear first, as the objects most likely to be noticed first.

The formatting in this digest is using 2/3rd’s of the page for the text and one third, essentially a side column, for extra information. Not a bad idea. I’m not sure I’m supportive of it in the way it is used here, with things for rooms ‘not on this page’ appear. It’s trying to keep things relevant, but, there’s too much relevant in some places. WHich could mean rekeying to solve the problem (oh, but it’s mostly linear!) or putting the stats in the main text (Heresy! Or, let us not be too devoted to our conceits and instead keep the eye on the ball of usability) 

There’s a lot of magic treasure and it’s quite decent. Nogs Grasping Staff sometimes appears to crackle with electricity and has a hand on the end of it. You can grab things! And, also, shocking grasp! The thing is PACKED with potent and unique magic items, almost to a Monty Haul level. 

But, also “Each room is unlit with a name engraved above the door. Plain stone walls methodically scored by picks.” is not the height of evocative description. At places things are mentioned never to make an appearance again. Any depth hinted at here is lost. I’m not angry at this one, just disappointed., You can see that someone had some pretty decent ideas, with bandits, the lost king, etc. But the size, combined with the lack of follow through and consistency in following up on its ideas, and their implications, causes this one to miss the mark.

This is $4 at DriveThru. The preview is twenty pages. More than enough to see the “intro”, wilderness, and first few rooms. Great preview!


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City of the Scorpion God

By Tuukka Tenhunen
Nuclear Saints
Fail Forward

Deep in a forsaken desert, weeks away from this life-giving river, lies a ruined city of yore. It was destroyed by our people in the ancient times, for the city was dedicated to a foul god of scorpions. Yet even after all these centuries, the scorpion cult persists. They hide in the deserts and plot doom to all civilization. Now they have struck our beautiful city and stolen my daughter. The cult will take her to their ruined city and sacrifice her to their false god under the next full moon!” “Go forth, bring back my daughter and I will pay you her weight in silver, this I vow in name of the Great Serpent
This 52 page story game adventure takes place in a ruined city with a small dungeon in it. It’s attempting to tell a story, with many encounters that would fit in well. What it does though is fail to recognize what it is, a story game, and model itself to that environment. Not understanding what the text is supposed to do is just a secondary sin in this one. Our story game friends deserve good adventures also. This isn’t one of them.

The kings daughter has been kidnapped and he send you in to the ruined city to save her, along with one of his servants (a pregen.) It seems the evil cult there wants to sacrifice her. But what we’ve really got is a ‘the dragon was the good guy’ thing going on. In reality, the chick is just a peasant and they ARE sacrificing her, but to keep the scorpion god locked away. The king, and his servant, want them NOT to, so the god will be summoned, being the REAL evil cultists. The trope here is not particularly well done, just a few throw away lines. I’m not morally opposed to it, or the intra-party conflict, in a story game, particularly a one shot for, say, a con. Games like the Mountain Witch and so on can thrive on this, contributing to the noir vibe, especially when pulled out in the last moments of the final encounter. Absolutely forbidden in a more traditional RPG, but we’re doing as the romans do and creating a story to talk about in a game like this one.

I really want to talk about three things here that I think are common to (every?) game type. The first is the arbitrary nature of dice rolls. Traditionally, rolling the dice was bad. It meant something bad could happen to your character. We try to convince the DM of the outcome and only then, if there’s risk, do we make a choice. Something like the wandering monster tables, arbitrary as all fuck, are a known risk that forces the party to confront a resource, time. The longer we fuck around the greater the likelyhood of finding out with that group of 1d4+1 owl bears. The worst/best example of this is the Wandering Damage table form an April Fools edition of Dragon. Just roll on the table and take an arbitrary amount of damage. There’s no player choice here. You simply accept the damage. You didn’t do anything, or take any risk, to potentially earn the damage. It removes the benefit of playing carefully and taking Push Your Luck decisions to earn rewards. And we see this show up in this adventure. In various encounters the party must roll on a table and something happens to them. THings like “take one wound” or some such. You are punished simply for playing the game. While I concede that there is some narrative benefit to, say, having a character with a gimpy ankle, the adventure removes the narrative element of that in the encounters. It just happens to you. Take a wound. Arbitrary should not happen in any game. It removes the agency of the players. There can be risk. Calculated risk. Burning spells to find out and improve odds. Careful planning. Zany plans. But simply saying “you take damage in an arbitrary way as a result of simply playing” does not really belong in a game. 

Secondly there’s a voice mismatch in the descriptive test used in the encounters. The adventure doesn’t really know who it is addressing. Is it directed at the players, ala read-aloud, or DM factual text, or DM inspirational text? The voice of the text provided is all over the place. This leads to hard cognitive switches. Our first encounter is with a nomad camp “Nearest point of interest to the entry point is a small desert nomad camp. Their typical tents, colorful and decorated by embroidery, flap in the wind. The camp seems abandoned, but the horrible stench surrounding the tents soon betrays the truth. It is the smell of carrion, there are many corpses around” Read aloud that over-reveals? Text for the DM in order to ad-lib the encounter? It’s a seeming mixture of the two. Another encounter ends with the text “How could such place exist middle of a terrible desert?” In appropriate for the DM and cumbersome if its meant to be read to the players. “Merciless sun scores the characters from the cloudless sky.” We’re getting purple here. II understand we’re going for that Howard vibe, but the text is leaning hard toward prose rather than understanding it’s a technical document meant to run a narrative game.

Finally, and most critically, is the nature of the encounters themselves. I talk sometimes about the encounters and format needing to match the goals of that part of the adventure. I usually talk about this in the context of a village or other social aspect of an adventure where both the type of information presented is different and the formatting/layout/etc are different in order to facilitate that sort of game play. Another example might be Mighty Deeds in DCC. If the room is four bare walls then there will be no swinging on chandeliers or dumping over cauldrons. If we’re working with a narrative adventure then I would expect the adventure to facilitate those narrative elements that the players must bring to the game themselves. And this don’t do that well. The core concepts are here. You can imagine the party sneaking through a dry riverbed, or trying to social their way past guards on a bridge. You can imagine a Howard story in which these things might be elements. But the execution of these elements is not very strong. They are very open ended, with little for the DM to riff off of. The tables driving things, where  there are some, don’t really give you enough to work with and certainly don’t give the players anything good to work with. It also confuses things by providing a general city map, as a traditional exploration game might, and then leaning very heavily on a narrative play style. The marriage here is not a good one.

You have to understand what you are designing for if you want a decent result.

This is Pay What You Want at DriveThru with a suggested price of $7. The preview is two pages and shows you nothing of interest to make a purchasing decision from.


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The House under the Moondial

By Hexagnome
Self Published
Levels 3-4

There is a witch in the wilds, a goddess unremembered, and a madman. There is a circle of stone – who knows what lies beneath? The villagers are distraught: their children! replaced by fae! The villagers are distraught: who heeded their plea? Ravenous inquisitors, that’s who. Oh, and adventurers…

THis 100 page adventure setting details the goings on in and around a small village. It’s a little busy in places, but it certainly knows how to layer on situations and make them available for the DM. All of those “takes place in a small region” LotFP adventure want to be this adventure when they grow up and get off the meth.

The party wander in to a village and get asked for help, just as the village did a couple of hundred years ago Back then a Paladin helped them, St Elm. I wonder if the party might help, just like he did? Also, there’s a couple of (small) adventuring sites nearby to plunder. So, whatever your motives, there’s a reason to stick around. Why are they asked for help? The villagers think their children are being replaced by fey. Oh, and the next day a group from the inquisition wanders in to town, ready to investigate and do some burning. Seems like The Old Ways may be a little too prevalent in this here village. Which isn’t true. Well, anymore. It seems it USED to be true, which is part of the problem. Old blood pacts and so forth. The new priest is very upfront and helpful. And also unwittingly part of the problem. And those inquisitors? Kind of bandits on board to do some inquisiting, led by their VERY devout cardinal leader. Also, they are werewolves. The wise woman in the woods hut IS an outcast fey. But, also, kind of doing the right thing and keeping curse in check. Oh, but also she might cause the end of the village if things go badly and a rogue spell thats chasing her goes off. Also there’s a weird hermit that lives in a boat in a tree in the woods. How about those standing stones and whats under them? I have not covered, AT ALL, those fey in the fey world you can get to, which is large itself. This thing just keeps going and going and going. There are some fucking complications here. While there’s not a lot that is outright going to stab a party, like a typical dungeon, thereis A LOT to maneuver through.

Amd I ain’t even got to the village prepper yet. Location descriptions take about a column each, and are FULL of good shit. Breif little NPC descriptions that give a DM something to work with in a game.For the two women who bake the village bread:  “These two are always in a shouting match. Constable frowns a lot. Wystan’s in love with Aubrey Riesick (the only one with no clue about it).” That’s fucking great. For Mia Goth fans, some young chick married to an older farmer who has a bunch of kids: “Kerstina is a nervous wreck. She plans to poison Turner so his death looks like a drunkard’s misfortune, but lacks the herbalism skills. Unless she finds help, she’ll eventually snap and splinter his skull with a woodaxe” I’m in LUUUUUVVVV! THings that contribute to the plot at hand. Things to cause complications. Thigs to mix things up with the party. It’s all fucking magnificent! Oh, and it’s harvest time! So everyone is busy and worried. 

This is EXACTLY how you write one of these little village/small regional investigations. There is shit GOING. ON. They care about their harvest and their kids, who gives a fuck about that orc invasion on the other side of the kingdom?  They hate Mary cause shes was a cunt at the pie contest last year and is stuck up. Petty jealousies writ large. I fucking love this entire thing.

Well, ok, not the ENTIRE thing. 

Things start to get a little shaky in the Fey realm. A little too handwavey maybe? I do tend to the darker/more realistic side of folklore for my Fey and this trends a bit Alice/Pan (explicitly noted as inspirations in tone but not substance.) Maybe that Strange & Norell vibe, if a bit darker and less refined. But, also, I acknowledge that my preferred tone is not everyones. It just feels less solid when we get to those portions. 

The formatting can be a much in places. Hmmm, no, let me walk that back. I like the formatting and I think it does a good job. But there;s a little too much in places for things that I don’t think you always need. Color coding the map, for example. Putting the place names on the village map was a good idea but I’m not sure of the utility of the color coding. Nor, for example, the cause & effect chart … it just gets silly in its attempt to explain … which I think causes more confusion than it helps. I think the plot is straightforward, anyway. There’s also maybe a little too much extra in places, with mechanics. Almost mini-game like. Nor really procedurally general, but new procedures for doing things. Maybe pick one and go with it. Maybe two. 

I’m not too bent out of shape about any of those. Slightly more serious is the opposition forces in this adventure. You’re going to have to push the party a bit to get some outright conflict. There are some wanderers to kind of bring some action, but, for the most part, there are lots of provocations but not a lot of “you’re attacked!” You’re going to have to, say, use the inquisitors to, say, visibly ransack a house under the pretense of searching for heresy. And Maye have them visibly steal something. Or physically abuse someone or some such. You need to provoke the players and their characters, I think. And I don’t think that’s necessarily bad. This really helps with the slow burn investigation of the adventure. And, at what point do you feel justified stepping in. You gonna sit around and watch them finally burn people at the stake? This is a gasoline factory, but the DM is going to have to give the party opportunities to bring their fireworks in. Again, not bad, but its going to take a different sort of DM play to run a sandboxy little thing like this, keeping things on the razor edge of tension until it spills over to outright conflict and then filling in the details of what happens next, using the characters (in the town) that are in play. I’m a big big fan of this, if you can walk that line. In particular, there are LOTS of opportunities for the DM to motivate the PLAYERS, rather than their characters, from the inquisitors to that Mia Goth. And motivating the players is a sure fire way to win as a DM.

I think this is what you’re looking for in a sandbox and investigation. Lots going on. Lots of chances for provocations. Maybe a little wonky in the presentation here or there, but, fuck, I’ll take this over those shitty ones any day. Yeah yeah, maybe it’s got some third act issues in the fey realm. But the rest of it is very strong … IF you really get in there as the DM and drop some provocations on the party. And what kind of DM would you be if you didn’t, ahem, present the party with opportunities?

This is $10 at DriveThru. The preview is eight pages and does a great job of showing you what to expect. And page one is the Mia Goth chick!


Posted in Level 3, Reviews, The Best | 19 Comments

A Place That Was, Is and Will Be

By Tobias Helms & Tobias Heidemann
Pink Pony of Death
Levels 1-3

The wooden city of Narbassal burnt for three consecutive nights and days. Those who couldn’t escape or were spared from death were led into captivity. Man-eating aquatic ghouls (Pale Drowners) have emerged from the depths since then, swarming the partially submerged and charred remnants of the city to feast upon the bloated corpses of the vanquished. Narbassal is now veiled in silence, city of the dead a place that once was.

This 67 page adventure describes a treasure hunt adventure in a half-floating seaside city that has been ravaged/pillaged/burned. It is essentially just a collection of abstracted mini-games and ideas, and is light even at those standards. It needed more focus to turn it in to a more useful adventure.

The premise for this is kind of interesting. We’ve got this city, kind of a primitive Venice. Some rocky outcroppings and foundations from under the shallow water combine with some wrecked ships and flotsom to create a city centered around a kind of Mont-Saint-Michel. And in about seven days some dudes are gonna show up and  invade and pillage and burn it to the ground. Or, as the intro says, it burnt for three consecutive nights and days.” That’s rough. But then the aquatic ghouls show up and make things worse dragging off people, gnawing on them and so on. But … none of that has happened yet. We’ve got a chick, the nascent leader of the thieves guid, who is sick. Because she found a time travel device that will send her a few days in to the future. She’s been looting the city, in its burnt state. Want in on the action? Thus we have a scenario where you perhaps scout things in the non-destroyed city in the present and then go forward in to the future to loot. 

That’s a decent concept with some definite possibilities.  You wanna grab some loot? Groovy! Hey, let’s also throw in some moral and ethical situations surrounding survivors of the city and the invaders. Toss in some quandaries about the survivors, their militia, and balancing revenge vs looting vs relief. Toss in some ghouls erupting from underwater and dragging people down and/or feasting on them in the open. There are A LOT of things that could be going on here, from a lot of different angles. Shades of that magnificent DCO opening, eh? And we haven’t even mentioned the possibilities of the two time streams, present and future; think o the possibilities of that! Even if, I think, managing events in two times is quite hard for an adventure to do.

Worry not, though, gentle reader! For there is little of that depth here! Well, there is and there isn’t.  It’s a fucking mess. First, let’s cover Lotting the Future. The city has ten wards. In each ward you can make up to three looting checks, at like a 12, 15, and 18. If you pas the check then you get to roll on the loot table. That table has twelve entries on it, each unique enough that I doubt you could repeat. That’s the core mechanic of the adventure. Just roll some dice to loot. Lackluster, to say the least. 

The adventure is trying, I believe, to provide resources to make things more difficult on the characters while they do those looting rolls. So you might get a random encounter like “A knocking, and muffled screams can be heard from a capsized galley. 1d6 aquatic ghoul (see 1, p.55) approach the scene at the same time as the PCs.” That’s a pretty classic “someone is stuck” situation. Or, there’s another entry where the dead kings bastard son shows up, returned from patrol with a small group of men. Are you loyal to the new king or an allied to the enemy? Did I mention he’s a snotty sixteen year old? 

The present time doesn’t have a lot locations, but it does have some interesting little conflicts going on at those locations. A new stone bridge is being built and the Ferrymen don’t like it so they are secretly sabotaging it at night. Or a dead merchant is floating face down in one of his urine vats; a relative has hired two thugs to find who did it … and they are not being subtle. These are not really complications, per se, in the present, but they tend to fall in the “local color” category of gaming. It does go a long way to make the city feel alive, but, also, they feel disconnected from the players and their characters as well as the situation (or, soon to be situation) in the city. They needed to be tied more in to things relevant to play at the table, situations for the party to avoid, use, or be taken advantage of. There’s just little relevancy to them. 

There are a lot of tables in this one. We’re not quite at the level of procedural generation; that’s would be too much for this thing. It’s much much lighter in content. Let’s think 1-012 of any one thing. SO, roll on a table of ten entriess to give the players some destruction vibes. Oh, look, once again we get “From where you stand, you can see the burnt remains of Narbassal’s fleet out in the bay” Oh boy. This would have been much more effective if it used the space to provide some keywords that the DM could then riff on. Ships. Burnt. Burning. Intact. Something like that. Also, how many times can you find “The flayed corpse of king Vessalamchir of Narbassal.” Fuck me, and by the using the useless space taken up by the time line ” 23 years ago …” And the “blood sausage with barley porridge and lentil” ‘whats on the menu’ table, you’d have plenty of room. Twenty fucking entries of that shit. 

Which is not to say that all of the entries are bad. When the adventure tries it can bring it. One of the present day encounters could be “A grizzled posse of ghoul hunters (p. 57) on small barges ventures through the muddy underbelly of Narbassal. They are placing chunks of rotten meat as baits, and scan the underside of pile dwellings, and piers. They are armed with long spears, harpoons, and nets. The ghoul hunters have been offered good coin by the king and are ready to recruit new members” That’s got some good color to it! There’s another table for happens if there’s a time mishap. For the most part it’s abstracted nonsense written in the wrong tense, as read-aloud AND abstracted as one would for a DM. But there’s an entry where you go back to the start of life on the planet and see the primordial ooze. And life starts. And then the first action of the primordial ooze is to attack you! That’s fun. I chuckled. I love it.

And then it falls apart in other places. Remember that criticism, where Lucas said the Phantom Menace was for children … and then included a bunch of trade embargo and finance shit in it? Yeah, well, that same sort of contradiction is present here in many of the entires of the rumor table. They are overly … formal? They lack life and don’t communicate the vibe of the rumor. 

So, the looting portion is abstracted. And the additional content is all on tables to spice up portions between the looting. But it isn’t really written in such a way as to do that. Many of the situations are more of an Ongoing thing, but are written like it’s just another random wandering monster roll. More brief problem, or opportunities, should be populating those tables. And there should be a section on, say, faction play, running throughout the entires.  The portion in the present day needs strong influences to interact with the players characters in a meaningful way, either as obstacles or resources in the present to the future. 

The adventure present a lot, but not in a way that drives the adventure in a meaningful way

This is $3 at DriveThru.


Posted in Reviews | 6 Comments

The Chambers of Ohebis

By Rob Arcangeli
Gallant Knight Games
OSR/Riches & Ruins
Introductory Adventure

“Magical rings, a golden fleece, mystical lamps and dragon eggs. Someone is always after something to make their dreams come true and you are no different. As a group of adventurers, treasure hunters or grave robbers (delete as appropriate) you will, with the aid of dice, miniatures and imagination, delve deep into a dark dungeon in a quest, brought to life by your Referee, to find that object or pile of treasure that will let you retire in peace until the end of your days. That or it can be sold to pick up your last tavern bill…”

This sixteen page adventure features six linear rooms in a small “wizards home” dungeon. A substantial portion is commentary from the designer to the DM, with the rest being uninteresting descriptions, stabbing, and not much else in the way of interactivity.

It’s always a good sign when there’s no map. But I get ahead of myself. There’s no intro here, or background, just a three paragraph eread aloud that says you’re standing in front of a door on a hillside, the home to the wizard Ohebis, which no one has seen in awhile and is presumed dead. Get a looting partners And THEN there’s no map. Just an entry for “Front door” and then “entry hallway” and then “room one” and so on, up to room four. I guess I’ve never understood why people try to describe the dungeon instead of using words. I guess I’m going to bitch anyway about the lack of exploration options, so, providing a map would just set me off more. But it seems so low effort. The lack of a map, the linearity … it just screams that this is not something to spend time with, that someone didn’t really put much thought in to.

Oh, yeah, but there is a lot of DM advice. “Draw out the entrance and place the figures on the map.” I guess you’re just drawing a square? And there’s a decent amount of commentary like this. I mean, A LOT. “Just another room to keep the players on edge!” it tells us. There’s only six fucking rooms! What kind of edge are they supposed to be on? The first two rooms both have spring traps, again, just to keep the party on edge. Uh. Ok. Sure, it also points out that its a hint that there could be a trap further in. I DO like foreshadowing danger to the party and prompting them, through methods like this, to ask questions. And then when they fuck themselves over then its their own fault. But, man, there’s just A LOT of commentary that doesn’t really serve much of a purpose at all. 

You get a straightforward combat orr two. A trap. And that’s about it. There’s no real interactivity here. There’s no wonder. The text is images of words, not words, so I can’t copy/paste in any examples, but, seriously, the first combat room has read-aloud that has the figures turning toward the party and ending with “To Arms!” Seriously. 

There’s just nothing here. A Couple of encounters. That’s it. No evocative read-aloud. It’s just a waste of space. An introductory adventure should be exciting and full of wonder. Hooking the players with the majesty of a lifetime of experiences to come. This is more like the worst of those kiddie adventures T$R produced.

This is $1 at DriveThru. The preview is six pages and provides a good overview ofwhat you will be facing as a DM.


Posted in My Life is a Living Fucking Hell, Reviews | 2 Comments

Tomb of the Tin Templar

By Jospeh R. Lewis
Dungeon Age
Levels ... 2-3?

The ancient world of Harth withers beneath its dying sun… but it’s not dead yet. Face off against electric jellyfish, tinker gnomes, and the rusted corpse of the noble Sir Tristan, as well as a few other creatures that have clawed their way into this marvelous mechanical vault. Discover windup toys, clockwork companions, and baffling devices. Negotiate with the guards and intruders alike, using clever words or whatever sharp objects are close at hand!

This six page adventure presents a small tomb dungeon with ten rooms. There are some interesting encounters, although the primary writing lacks the verve of, perhaps, a more intensive effort in evocative descriptions.

This is a small tomb of a kind of mechanical/low-fantasy steampunk paladin. The timing in emphasized with gears and steam in a few places, as well as rusty wall panels and a small troop of tinker gnomes. While I usually LOATHE tinker gnomes I’m giving them a pass here since they are not high fantasy but rather more akin to gnomes working in a workshop. It’s interesting to me that this reimagining of the tinker gnome has hit. King to the reboot of the Bond franchise with Casino Royale, it’s stripped off the more egregious streampunky aspects and is only a little jarring to see. I’m not sure they completely mesh with the mechanical man motif we’ve got going on here, but, also, that may be because things are a little weak in that department. 

It just doesn’t seem to ‘hit’ as hard as previous Dungeon Age entries in that regard. I think it’s because of the writing. The descriptions here seem a bit … mechanistic, perhaps in a “insert adjective here” sort of manner. I look at a description like “Cluttered wooden tables fill the room. Four small people sit on tall stools, working diligently.” Or even a better one like “Stone stairs spiral down, and stop at a steamy abyss. Shining metal platforms float in the darkness. Tiny blue lights glimmer all around.” I’m not sure either of those, even the second one, really bring home a really great image in the DMs head. Stone Stairs. Spiral Down. Tiny blue lights. I admit that I did the same in some of my efforts, but, also, I think there’s another step here. I think it’s taking your reworked sentences and then trying to put them together in to a cohesive whole. Something like – Now that I’ve got a better description, what does this evoke and how I can further rewrite this to bring it in to something that’s alive. I’m not telling anyone how to do things, I’m just trying to describe how I think that descriptions are close to being pretty good but just seem to be lacking that extra little reimagining that cements them. 

And that, I think, is part of what makes the mechanistic nature of the tomb so … disconnected? It just doesn’t seem to come together in any way that would lead you in to a consistent theming, in all but a paper way. Some of this may, also, be contributed to by the lack of an introduction. The intro is literally “This is a (very) small templar tomb full of treasure and danger, easily run as a one-shot or dropped into a larger campaign setting.” I think, perhaps, an additional sentence or two of lore would have helped quite a bit to set the stage and frame the content that was to come. Without that we’re relying on the weight of the descriptions to carry the load by themselves, which is possible in some cases but not overly successful here.

There are, however, some decent little encounters and vignettes. The opening to the dungeon is a cave mouth with a huge bronze gear set in to the floor with three smaller silver spheres set in to it. Solving that puzzle causes it to open up, revealing a spiral staircase going down. I think that certainly qualifies as a great appeal to a trope that brings the game to life and creates moments of awe and wonder. 

For a small dungeon, there are a couple of other nice room challenges also. That steaming abyss with its floating silver platforms … there’s water underwear and you jump from platform to platform. There are glowing blue jellyfish in the air and water, as well as a sapphire on each floating platform. Removing the jewel means the platform falls. That should be fun, both in the initial challenge and in figuring out how to collect the jewels. Those sorts of “Free form” challenges are by far my favorite. A puzzle without a solution. Left to the party to come up with a plan. Which will no doubt go wrong. THAT is one of the hearts of a good D&D game.

The jellyfish, also, is kind of fun. Slow. Numerous. Put them in a jar to act as a torch for a few hours! That’s a nice little addition! And, on a critical hit, you get shocked and your hair turns white, with a DEX loss. Nice way to push a real world effect in to the realm of fantasy. Small changes, not the end of the word changes, but a fun way to engage in play. I’m not saying every monster has to have a critical hit impact, but it was cute to see here. 

Treasure is probably light for an OSE game. There’s also a nice little “Templar Sword” that can absorb or reflect lightning damage. That’s fun … and has no plusses. No more description than that, which I enjoy. I’m looking for, overall, inspiration and not a mechanistic heavy magic item. 

This is an ok little dungeon. I’m not mad at it. It suffers, as to most small dungeons, from their lack of depth, there’s just no room to allow the environment o breathe. Maybe a nice little sub-level for an existing dungeon? I’m gonna regret this one, even though I have some reservations.

This is Pay What You Want at DriveThru with a suggested price of $1.


Posted in No Regerts, Reviews | 53 Comments

Through the Weirdwood

By Jonah Lemkins
Self Published
Levels ?

The Old North Road goes through the Weirdwood. It’s too far to go around it at this point. The barmaid at the last tavern said, “Only the strangest of folk go romping through that wood, and IF they come back, they wind up even stranger than before.” Best keep your eyes peeled and your wits about you — you wouldn’t want to end up weird.

This fourteen page hex adventure details seven hexes in each of two different woods settings. “Details” is a strong word for “nothing is really present except some ideas that the DM may or may not turn in to something.” This is not a hex crawl. It’s nothing at all.

There’s no real intro to this adventure. It’s just four bullet points that say you might be escorting a wagon or looking to harvest magical flora and fauna and the like. Nothing more than that. And then the hexes start. No movement rules. No hex size. I guess there is a small table, in the back, of twelve encounters you could have.  But no indication of frequency or anything like that. Meh. Then the hexes start.

Fourteen pages and fourteen hexes; one per page, right? Nope. Hex two is the Coalition of Cognisant Creatures. It consists of four bullet points that take up a very small portion of the page real estate. “Magic items & scrolls litter the underside of Zulie’s tower, and their magics leached into the water. Many nearby animals are now brightly colored, sentient, and some have minor powers. The herbivores and carnivores are starting to bicker .Plan to bring all animals here to drink and rule the Weirdwood, but are beset by the Boogeygourd” Ok man, Go!  You get to make something out of that. If you can. And most of the hexes are just like that one. Something weird going on that is described in a few bullet points. 

If I were to look at that encounter in the context of, say, City State, then I might not have an issue with it. There are, literally, hundreds of other encounters to be had and the overwhelming force of them means that no single encounter has to carry the weight of the adventure on its shoulders. But this isn’t City State. Or, really, any sort of hex crawl. The size, and some of the inter-related hexes, would seem to dictate that each of these encounters must stand on their more, more like an individual encounter in the modern day. If you’re gonna have three encounters in the adventure then they should each be a good one. And those four bullets are not an adventure to be made. 

Let us look at another one of these hexes: “ Campfires, tents, dancing cultists, & vast cabbage patch surround an enormous brainlike cabbage. The Gigacabbage might be an eldritch entity with mind control powers, an unthinking weed spreading cabbage growths like a cancer, or maybe a friendly forest spirit with much to teach. Cultists are friendly unless you diss cabbage. Will warn PCs about the heretical members of the Sect of Sauerkraut hiding in the woods nearby. The Sect of Sauerkraut aim to become as gods by fermenting and eating the entire Gigacabbage” So, yeah, we should talk about tone. If this were just tossed in to some far off hex then, cool cool, a one off sort of thing to have fun with. But the tone here is not inconsistent with the rest of the adventure hexes, and, in fact, might a little on te tamer side of weird in the Weirdwood, especially once the Fey side of the house shows up. I get that some people are going to be ok with this sort of tone. And I am, as well, in VERY small doses. But too many encounters of this type and we devolve in to silliness, which this adventure is. 

Teeny tiny hex descriptions of three or four bullets. They generally have little for the party to interact with. Or, rather, there is little reason for the party to interact with the people in a hex. Wander by the hex, look at the weird thing in it, and then move on to the next hex and do the same thing. The hexes don’t really have any reason, at all, to interact with them. They don’t mess with you. Or have wealth. It’s just another aimless museum tour adventure  where you star at things and then move on to the next room.

This is $1 at DriveThru. The preview is four pages. On the fourth page you get to see hex one, which is VERY atypical. Most are just a couple of bullet points.


Posted in Reviews | 14 Comments

The God With No Name

Panayiotis Lines
Leyline Press
Level ? Mid?

You cannot touch their face and cannot touch their hair. Their voice sings in the wind of the valley and sobs at dawn. Once a vast primordial sea creature, the God with No Name slept and was buried under the salt and silt as the earth dried around it. As Dwarves came to mine the salt centuries later so too did they unearth the slumbering giant and it’s formless shadow child the void doppler. Still the pure and valuable salt lies here as temptation to any would would dare to venture so deep.

This twelve page adventure uses seven pages to describe about thirtish rooms in an old dwarf salt mine, that is actually a colossal living creature. It wants to be a kind of horror adventure, with a creature stalking you and stealing body parts from you. But it comes across as Yet Another Dull Dwarf Adventure. 

So, yeah, Dwarf salt mine. But, no rules or guidance on salt related shit happening to you. It’s actually the case that you are inside a giant creature. SO, heart, lungs, stomach, etc, will make up the theming of some of the rooms. Oooo, it’s the soul room and if you kill the soul node then a howl emanates throughout the tunnels … Stalking through the place is the void doppler. It’s a good pile, ala The Thing, that rips off your mouth, runs away, and then attaches the mouth to itself. Walla! Now it has a mouth! Repeat with other parts. Also, there’s a crazy elf in it, trapped in rubble, and three trolls upstairs, outside of the mine. That’s your enemy compliment. Look, i don’t need an adventure that has nothing but stabbin, but, also, an adventure that has little to no stabbin really needs to sell me on that conflict. I’m gonna need some tension there. If you’re leaning in to ANY trope, as the central theme of an adventure, to the exclusion of most of the elements of the others, then you really better be prepared to sell me that theme. A few hints. Some guidance. Are you only putting wandering monsters in and the whole adventure is about them? Then you better do something more than say “use the table from the book.” The concept, as always, is supporting the DM at the table … especially when so much of the adventure hangs off of one concept. Don’t have room? Add a page. Or, maybe rumours are not as important in this adventure? More than just saying “use hit and run tactics”, you need some atmosphere here.

And that is something that is lacking. Has there ever been a good dwarf dungeon? One that is atmospheric, I mean? Oh, boy, another colossal empty chamber. Unlike other offerings from Leyline, this one’s writing leaves a lot to be desired. “The main entrance to the mine is a simple wooden construct, dilapidated with age. It gapes jagged and open. There is a thin trace of void secretion around the edges of the entrance within the shadows.” That’s not exactly inspiring with regard to a mine entrance. “This area is blocked off with rubble” or “An excavated area of the tunnel.” There’s nothing here to bring forth ANY type of feeling or atmosphere, much less the sense of foreboding that one would want when being stalked by a solitary creature. “Crumbling statue of ancient dwarf king” or “heavy area of salt deposits.” Joy. I am inspired.

The map is trying a bit too hard to channel a real-world diagram. The core map is an ok affair, if, linear as a mine shaft might be, with small offshoots hanging off of it. But, also, there’s an attempt to make notations on the map, like handwritten things one might find on a real map. These DO NOT work AT ALL. They are small and scratchy and impossible to read with any clarity without trying hard. We have forgotten the first rule: it has to be legible. 

The descriptions here are quite weak. There is little atmosphere communicated. The challenge here is mostly one of the main creature, almost to the exclusion of all other play types/interactivity … but that sort play is not supported at all by the designer. And we combine that with more padding and empty words than Bastard King had, by far. 

This is, by far, the weakest entry I’ve seen from Leyline so far. Well, that’s only two, and the first one WAS quite good. It’s not like this is a piece of shit, it is, just, at best, Yet Another Throw Away Mediocre Adventure. And we don’t do those here.

This is $4 at DriveThru. There is no preview. For shame! Let us see what we are buying first!


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