Monthly Archives: May 2017

The Dwarves of Copper Gulch

By Ian McGarty Silver Bulette Swords & Wizardry Level 1-3 The Dwarves of Copper Gulch have returned! They seem to be a bit less industrious than before and you will have to figure out why. This is an eleven page … Continue reading

Posted in Reviews, The Worst EVAR? | 7 Comments

Broken God’s Pain

By??? Unbalanced Dice Games OSR The Old God has awoken. He feels the pain of being broken and wants to be free again. He has cursed the party to find his body and make him whole again. They must venture … Continue reading

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Dungeon Magazine #136

Hey, I’m on vacation in California! I finally get to go to Death Valley! Tensions RIsing By Ryan Smalley Level 4 An airship has crashed in a hollow mesa and you’re sent to get some papers from it. The mesa … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeon Magazine, Reviews | 5 Comments

Dread Machine

By Gus L. Self Published Labyrinth Lord Level 3-6 This 52 page adventure describes a cavern and the machine at the heart of it, that can resurrect the dead. Three’s a small region presented around it, with the cavern locale … Continue reading

Posted in Level 3, No Regerts, Reviews | 4 Comments

The Tall Witch

By David Pigndolli Daimon Games OD&D Level 1 It presents a classic adventure, with a mission assigned to the characters by the priest of a small village, and rumors of the coming awakening of the terrible Tall Witch. This 26 … Continue reading

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Dungeon Magazine #135

I have a headache and I twisted my neck last night. This issue isn’t helping. Funeral Procession By Mark A. Hart Level 1 This is one of the stooopidiest things I’ve ever seen. You’r guarding a funeral procession. There’s a … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeon Magazine, Reviews | 3 Comments

Forgotten Fane of the Coiled Goddess

By Joseph D. Salvador North Wind Adventures AS&SH Levels 5-7 More than a month ago, your party found itself in Port Zangerios, where you heard of an Esquimaux thief selling a treasure map. Low on wealth but high in courage, … Continue reading

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The Forge of Ilmarinen

By Jeremy Reaban Self Published 1E Levels 5-7 Ilmarinen the Eternal Hammerer was once widely worshipped by primitive people, whom he taught how to work metal. But once they had his knowledge, his worship was largely forgotten and his temple … Continue reading

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Dungeon Magazine #134

Home Under the Range By Michael Kortes Level 3 A linear “underdark” escort adventure with a farcical pretext. The party is charged with herding giant beetles through the underdark from one location to another. Five encounters later they reach their … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeon Magazine, Reviews | 3 Comments

The Fall of Whitecliff

By Ben Gibson Coldlight Press Pathfinder/5e/OGL Level 1 Awakening in the dark with splitting headache, you hear the curses of other tight-packed prisoners. No screaming. Must not be in the deep dungeons, not yet. Damned castellan-he’s as paranoid as he … Continue reading

Posted in Level 1, Reviews, The Best | 10 Comments