The Lamp of Paths

By Davidf Ingle
Hard Marble Games
Level 1

Hidden within a dangerous swamp a disturbed priest makes his ruinous plans against his former community. Will the characters be able to find him and bring him to justice before disaster strikes Cypress Keep?

This 24 page adventure uses three and a half pages to describe a ruined temple with about fourteen rooms in it. It feels disconnected from itself, as if the designer didn’t know what the adventure was,or didn’t know how to include parts other than the main hack. Also, it has the usual problems.

I need to complain about some of the weird choices this adventure makes. They clash with the tone, the style, the expectations … and I had a relatively hard time trying to marry the various parts of the adventure. The first is the portrayal of the villain.

The local church find a orphan on the streets as a child and takes him in. He is devoted to the church and inspires the people in town. Until mental illness comes for him and he descends in to paranoia and megalomania, etc. He steals their magic holy item, the The Lamp of Paths, and hoofs it in to the jungle to some ruins where he does the usual: raises an undead army to destroy the town. The adventure goes out of its way, several times, to note that he is mentally ill. I don’t know what to do with this I’m down to hack down the baddie that is raising the dead to destroy the town. Am I down to do the same, with the same pragmatism, for a dude that is mentally ill? And he’s trying to fucking kill you. This isn’t some nuanced Cthulhu Now adventure about addiction and other complex topics. No. This is a cartoon villain. Who is that way because of mental illness. I can kill the orc babies, no problem. That’s a walk in the park compared to a discussion about intent vs impacts in the role of justice and the nature of responsibility. You want to do that in your adventure? I’m chill. You want a maniacal cackling villain raising the dead to take over the local village? I’m chill with that. You want to do BOTH at the same time? Uh … I don’t think I know what to do with that, either as a DM or as a player. You gotta pick a vibe so we can run with it. And this does NOT seem to be a piece of performance art in which we must examine our own reactions to it and how we interact with it as a commentary on how we use violence and mental illness as entertainment. It’s Tuesday night at the D&D table.

Onward! Dude stole the Lamp of Paths, a magic item from the temple and they want it back. The item is mentioned several times. You find the item in the last room, with him. The item barely gets a description and, as a magic item, nothing about it is detailed. I guess you give it back since it doesn’t do anything? It doesn’t even have a value for selling it. 

Anyway, you follow the old road out of town. It ends. There is now FOUR MILES of jungle between you and the next encounter. There are no hints. You get to wander to find it. There is a small set of encounters in the back that help get the party back on track, but, they don’t seem oriented to this part of the adventure. I have no idea how you find the place. But, also, you’ll get to enjoy that wilderness encounter table with boars and harpies and the ilk for your levels ones. Oh! Oh! It’s the swamp, so you’r ein water. There’s a disease table. It’s got like eight entries or so. Only two are described at all though. It’s like the delete button was accidentally pressed in the editor. I always wonder if I’m missing something and like the rest are in the OSE core or something. 

Once you do, you’re likely to find a goblin tribe first. With SIXTY fighting males. Sixty goblins. In the wilderness. Not even a cave hall to use as a choke point. I get it. You can run. But they are next to the place you need to go. I don’t know, you try to parlay, I guess? There’s not really anything in this adventure to help you with that except a single note that they don’t like the dude either. 

And this is weird. There is the ruined temple where dude is hanging out. Then there’s a small ruined city nearby it, a couple of miles away. Then, the adventure notes, between the two is the lair of the goblins. But, also, there’s a building there, at the lair, that was once a mercantile … with a stage? And, as for the goblin chiefs lair, there’s another building: “This 2-story structure consists of stone and was the town hall of Old Cypress Keep.” This same building is noted as having the chiefs treasure hoard. Which is never mentioned again The contradictions here … again, I’m not sure how to interpret these things. In another place, at the old temple ruins, it tells s that if we explore the ruins to the north by vessel then we can find a waterway leading to the great river that can take us back to town. But, also, how are you exploring by vessel? I don’t fucking understand this shit. And I don’t know if I’m missing something or something was accidentally deleted, ala the diseases perhaps, or if its just a mess. 

The temple exploration, proper, with dude, is made of description such as “A pungent stench fills the air of this room. This flooded area once stored ceremonial objects, fresh grains, and food” or “Numerous old crates and barrels litter the area of this flooded storage area.” Not exactly the the height of evocative writing. Weird portions are highlighted in the text, which I think is read-aloud at points, but never mentioned again in order to expand upon. At one point we’re in the main worship center, pews and the like, with an altar and a small choir stage behind it (lots of stages in this adventure?) There’s a ramp down in each corner of the stage, leading underground. One is choked with rubble and plants. We then get this line: “Dangerous passage: Hidden among the walls and

floor is a patch of yellow mould.” Given the section heading Dangerous Passage, I would think this is the ramps down? But it can’t be the rubble one? And the open one is the one the baddie uses … so it can’t have the mold? So the Dangerous Passage is the entire back part of the worship area? Is that a passage? If it is I have a another complaint to lodge with the Connections editor. 

Oh, also, in the read-aloud “Two goblin zombies scramble toward you from the back of the chamber.” Well now, that’s not really something to put in the read-aloud, is it? We don’t know how the party got here. Also, they are not zombies when the party sees them. They look like goblins, or green dudes with open wounds or something? 

The entire dungeoncrawl is completely different from the wilderness. Where the wilderness is a continual deathtrap, the dungeon crawl has a couple of zombies and some giant centipedes, culminating with the Level 4 cleric in the middle of a mental health crisis. It’s empty and boring, with not much loot at all.

Fun times!

This is $5 at DriveThru. The preview is the first six pages. You get to see the wanderers, the disease table, and the dudes backstory. Quite a poor preview from the the standpoint of helping you make a purchasing decisions based on the adventure, proper.

If you’re not power gaming when you come from the bar when it closes, then what are you doing?

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6 Responses to The Lamp of Paths

  1. AB Andy says:

    I just love how Bryce always never mentions anything about the AI art. Sticks to the adventure text itself!

    About the villain, I’m with you. Many choose to write for OSE because it’s what will grant you more clicks/search engine results and so on. It’s the popular thing. But each system has its own thing going on, and mental illness dude doesn’t really fit OSE. MORK BORG perhaps? Would feel more natural there.

    It’s not always easy to do this of course. Perhaps OSE it’s all one plays and then they have an idea for an adventure. My own Souls for Qovahe even dwells dangerously close to the border between OSE and LotFP.

  2. Shahar H says:

    From how each room is disconnected from the others, elements within each room or wilderness encounter are aggressively generic and are not related to each other, there is a lack of focus, and there is no overall game structure – it really sounds as if the dungeon is AI generated.

    • Lemarc says:

      Someone always says that. Examining the preview, which is only the intro and encounter tables, none of the characteristic hallmarks of machine writing jump out at me, while there are a few idiosyncrasies or mistakes that are characteristically human. There are also some rather charmingly lo-fi hand-drawn maps.

  3. HuckSawyer says:

    Is this Wuthering Heights in module form?

    I second the motion(s) of all above and the reviewer. It almost sounds like a kid noodling with his electric guitar and a roster of weird effect settings on a new amplifier. There are some adventures presented here that may have good bones and need direction, or others that require a harsh and brutal cycle of ButcherBoil, and still others that may have a unique but unrealized concept. This is none of that. You drive four hours through the barren waste of Georgia to do battle with your drunk mother in law on Thanksgiving . . . and add the spice of forty pills a day and three bottles of gas station Chardonnay.

    Another stinky wall.

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