Monthly Archives: February 2014

AFS Magazine #3

The second adventure in this review is the reason I went out and bought all of the issues of AFS Magazine. You should own AFS #3. Go order it right now. If you don’t you will miss one of the … Continue reading

Posted in Reviews | 7 Comments

AFS Magazine #2

Cliff Warrens of the Covid Birdmen by Scott Moberly OD&D Levels 2-4 Oh OD&D, is there any version finer? Even when mundane you bring a level of originality that tends to not be present in other versions. I love your … Continue reading

Posted in Reviews | 1 Comment

Dungeon Magazine #22

This is not a strong review. One adventure is a joke adventure, one is a 1-on-1 adventure, and one features tinker gnomes. I don’t need D&D to be serious, but I do need it to not suck. Once upon a … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeon Magazine, Reviews | 2 Comments