Category Archives: Reviews

The Wizard’s Tower

By Robert MillsTrebormills Gamesd6? Levels … Mid? The situation in Greymarsh has become dire indeed, heroic individuals are needed to rise to the task of defending it. Villages in the Southlands have reported sighting hoards of undead, coming from out … Continue reading

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Bastard King of Thraxford Castle

By Panayiotis Lines & A. LawlorLeyline PressOSELevel … 3? Beware the Curse of Thraxford Castle my child. A Curse of rotted flesh borne from The Bastard King’s slaughter of his kin. As the dawn rises so do the dead, to … Continue reading

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The Tower of the Elephant

By Luiz Eduardo RiconHexplore Publishing OSELevels 3-5 The shimmering shaft of the tower rose frostily in the stars. In the sunlight it shone so dazzlingly that few could bear its glare, and men said it was built of silver. This … Continue reading

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The Witch of Chimney Rock

Ancient Sage GamesSelf PublishedOSRLevels 1-3 The village of Veknis has a problem – crops are dying and villagers are disappearing. Suspicions abound that the Witch of Chimney Rock is responsible for these misfortunes. Heroes are needed to discover the truth, … Continue reading

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The Salt Shipment

By Matthew EvansMithgarthr EntertainmentCastles & CrusadesLevels 4-6 Charcuterie in Nefford may never be the sameā€¦ A butcher was supposed to receive a large shipment of salt from the Dwarves of Kamoz Kamendom two weeks ago and has heard neither hide … Continue reading

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By Luka Rejec WTF Studio OSR? Generic/Universal? The snows are alive. A soft, cold spirit courses through them. Her lace threads the world; watching, drinking, listening, stroking, soothing, killing. Her touch is soft and icy. She is Winterwhite, the daughter … Continue reading

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Grandpappy Cromdar’s Whizbang Zoo!

By David Lewis JohnsonSelf PublishedOSRLevels 1-5 Who is Grandpappy Cromdar? Grandpappy Cromdar is a battle hardened warrior, a seasoned monster rancher, a salty landlubber, a prancing princess, a slap-happy crazy old coot. Where decent, respectable fighting men might opt to … Continue reading

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Black Blade of the Demon King

By Ahimsa Kerp, Wind LothamerKnight Owl PublishingLorFPLevels 1-3 (Ouchies!) Buried for 10000 years beneath a mountain of black obsidian, a sword of unfathomable power has just awakened. Now, in a desperate race against time and the elements you must try … Continue reading

Posted in Level 1, Reviews, The Best | 14 Comments

Blue Alley

By Alan Patrick & M.T. BlackSelf Published5eLevels 1-4 Blue Alley lies hidden in the heart of Waterdeep. Built by a secretive wizard, it is a magic maze full of tricks, traps, strange monsters, and rich treasure. Countless adventurers have ventured … Continue reading

Posted in 5e, Reviews | 31 Comments

Barkeep on the Borderlands

By W. F. SmithPrismatic WastelandOSELevels … ? The Keep once loomed on the margins of civilization. It is now the center of culture and commerce.  Each year, the Keep celebrates the Raves of Chaos to commemorate the brave heroes who … Continue reading

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