Category Archives: No Regerts

The Arcane Font of Hranadd-Zul

By Daedalus No Artpunk #2 1e Levels 2-4 A MAGIC POOL grants knowledge of arcane spells to anyone who bathes at the full moon but in exchange, the bather’s physical and mental abilities are slowly depleted. This 25 page adventure … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 20 Comments

The Carcass of Hope

By Zherbus No Artpunk #2 1e Levels 3-4 An affluent family crypt turned defunct in the idyllic town of Hope that was destroyed. In those crypts, riches are buried with the dead tempt adventurers. As the evils that have made … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, Level 3, No Regerts, Reviews | 5 Comments

The Murk’s Curse

By Christopher Capone Wicked Cool Games OSE Levels 2-3 Among the witch’s valley mist, The Murk, sinister fey shadows terrorize the forest, demon spirits haunt old ruins, and undead howl from the volcanic shrine.  Can the adventurer’s purge the vale … Continue reading

Posted in No Regerts, Reviews | 1 Comment

Demon Bone Sarcophagus

Patrick Stuart, Scrap Princess False Machine Publishing D&D Level 1? A pile of dead bodies in the desert! Results of a triple-cross! The PC’s investigate! Glass Women! Tunnels in the Earth! A scrap of torn paper in a dead hand, … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 25 Comments

The Sun King’s Palace

By John Battle Self Published OSR Level ? – 7, maybe? High, that’s for sure. A crumbling tower hides on the Sunbroke Sea. The last relic of the second sun in our world. Sail out on the full moon and … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 5 Comments

Orbital Vampire City

By Joseph R. Lewis Dungeon Age Adventures OSE Levels 5-10 Far out in the void, an ancient city of vampires endures. Welcome to Araveshti, a city of a thousand towers floating safely in the shadow of the world, glittering with … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 10 Comments

Terror in Tosasth

By Leon Atkinson Self Published BFRPG Levels 1-8 Despite the benefit of longer lives, only vague details may be conjured from Elven memory about the once-great city that now is little more than a graveyard teeming with the undead. “Stay … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 16 Comments

Winter’s Feast

By Melrex The Merciless Merchants Gold & Glory Levels 5-9 Starvation is upon two barbarian clans. Hope for survival rides on a scout’s report of sighting a dead Solifugas, a colossal ice worm. Hunting bands are set out to collect … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, Level 6, No Regerts, Reviews | 21 Comments

The Lair of Ysmorg

By Michael H. Stone Self Published OSE Levels 3-6 Face the beastman horde of Ysmorg the Brutal, lairing in a derelict dwarven fortress. Exploit the internal power struggles of the monsters to infiltrate their ranks and pit them against each … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 3 Comments

Haunt of the Barrow King

By Peter C. Spahn Small Niche Games OSE Levels 1-3 […] A few weeks ago, an adventuring company named Legacy Flame came to the Oldwood to reestablish a shrine to St. Galwren—patron saint of one of the fallen noble houses … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 10 Comments