Category Archives: The Best

Echoes from Fomalhaut #10

Gabor Lux First Hungarian d20 Society OSR The Temple of Polyphema: The temple of the cyclopean goddess has been taken over by a band of marauding gnolls. Are you a bad enough dude to drive them out, and avert the … Continue reading

Posted in Reviews, The Best | 14 Comments

The Great Mansion Heist

By Ben Gibson Coldlight Press OSE/5e/Pathfinder (Conversion Notes for stats, etc) Levels 1-2 More than a mile away from the sweaty market town that bears his name, Merchant Lord Salmo spends most of his time in his formidable manse, luxuriating … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, Reviews, The Best | 4 Comments

The Mythic North

By Isaac VanDuyn Esoteric Ludology OSR There are no wizard guilds, no orcs or dwarves. Monsters exist, but only as legends haunting distant reaches. The ascendant Church hunts down any hint of magic, and witches and enchanters practice their forbidden … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, Reviews, The Best | 39 Comments

Hobbs & Friends of the OSR #1

By Jason Hobbs Rock RIver Games OSR Level … 2? […] Unfortunately, a Kamaran rebellion overtook the excavation site and Chandri nor his findings or results were ever found. Since then, the Vitem (raw magical energy) has mutated natural creatures … Continue reading

Posted in Reviews, The Best | 4 Comments

The Curse of the Ganshoggr

By Gus L. Kill Jester Errant/OSR Level 1 The Goose King squats in his great longhouse among verdant fields won by his ancestors. He feasts nightly on the most succulent turf, rich foreign wines, and the finest lettuces. In the … Continue reading

Posted in Reviews, The Best | 21 Comments

The Well of Frogs

By Istvan Boldog-Bernad First Hungarian d20 Society S&W Levels 1-2 Down below, beneath Cassidum’s stinking alleys and crumbling palaces, lie twisting passages and musty chambers with the secrets of the old days, and the subterranean dens of lowlife scum. But … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, Reviews, The Best | 21 Comments

Hounds of Hendenburgh

By Liam Padraig o Cuilleanain Self Published Cairn Low Levels Terror roams the dark and brambled paths of the Kryptwood. A pack of giant spectral hounds rule the night, savaging those foolish enough to brave the forest. The villagers of … Continue reading

Posted in Reviews, The Best | 155 Comments

Tomb of the Twice-Crowned King

By G. Hawkins Self Published OSRIC Levels 8-10 When death finally drew near and the forces of law were at the gates, Heimfell the giant two-headed king built a great tomb in the hills. He ordered his sorcerers to place … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, Level 9, Reviews, The Best | 17 Comments

Stirring of the Slumbering God

By Ethan B No Artpunk #2 OSE Levels 3-5 The frontier town of Vacuous Hollow is on a precipice of chaos. Wizards of some kind are digging in places they should not, trying to be sneaky about it. This 28 … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, Level 4, Reviews, The Best | 8 Comments

Shrine of the Small God

By Ben Gibson No Artpunk #2 B/X Levels 3-5 In the high and lonely plateau lies the forgotten shrine to Oleracea, petty-god of cabbages. Abandoned for centuries since his worshipers all died in conquest and drought, buried by the vengeful … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, Reviews, The Best | 3 Comments