Category Archives: No Regerts

Folly of the Fox

By David Maynard Self Published OSR Low Levels Tsarist Russia 1833: A Letun, an evil spirit long sealed away beneath the mountains near Grishinko, has been unleashed through the actions of a local hero. Its influence permeates the land, drawing … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 15 Comments

Scourge of the Tikbalang

By Zzarchov Kowolski Self Published OSR/NGR Level … 2? A vicious Tikbalang has been reported in the area and it is terrorizing the village. The townsfolk are too frightened to attempt to hunt down the beast and the village elder … Continue reading

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The Great Dwarf Road

By Simon Carryer Simon Carryer Games Labyrinth Lord Level 3 The Great Dwarf Road! A fabled trade route beneath otherwise impassable mountains. For years it brought wealth and prestige to both sides of the range. But now it is shuttered … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 9 Comments

Castle Rabid

By Kormar Publishing Kormar Publishing OSR Level 3 Deep in the forest, a forsaken keep holds treasure and the secrets of a crown won and lost. Seek fortune in the dust of fallen nobility, navigating through beastmen, a chaos cult, … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 3 Comments

Wicked Little Delves – Vol 1

By Joseph R. Lewis Dungeon Age Adventures OSE Levels 1-3 These are three one-shot dungeon delves. Each delve features nine rooms or locations full of challenges and interactivity. Each delve has only one type of monster, but they are complex, … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 12 Comments

Skalbak Sneer The Stronghold of Snow

By J Blasso-Gieseke No Artpunk #2 OSE Levels 5-7 Skalbak Sneer, the Stronghold of Snow, is located in the foothills of the Blackcrag Mountains. It is the northernmost defensive outpost of the snow dwarf realm developed eight generations ago by … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 8 Comments

Alchymystyk Hoosegow

By Alex Zisch No Artpunk #2 AD&D Level 7 Legend says an aristocrat once kidnapped an alchemist and held him captive hoping to create untold fortunes and wonders for the noble’s domain alone. If the secret of turning base metals … Continue reading

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No Art Punks

By Peter Mullen No Artpunk #3 AD& Levels 4-6 The wanted Poster hung outside the Village trading post and fish market door by the town deputy confirms the identity of that bearded Vagabond you saw rowing into the Sea Cave … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 26 Comments

Ship of Fate

By Jonathan Becker No Artpunk #2 1e Levels 10-14 Vast beyond reason, the DUNKLE ZEE stretches beneath skies of perpetual twilight, its inky depths reflecting not a single star but only the occasional lantern of a passing ship. Yet few … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 30 Comments

The Lair of the Brain Eaters

By DM Ritzlin No Artpunk #2 1e Levels 1-3 The secret caves beneath the necropoli of Desazu are riddled with danger and nefarious evil. A bizarre cult led by a perverse necromancer has been desecrating graves and plundering corpses for … Continue reading

Posted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Review, No Regerts, Reviews | 4 Comments