Quarantine Adventure Design Contest - The Random Generator


So ... slow work day? Every day?
I hear you.
I got 3 points from your post.

1. You said 'play music in a shitty bar for people who don't care that much.'

People may just be showing up for the drinks. Music is a added bonus. But if no music was going on, they probably would still show up. They do care, perhaps about the drinks and environment.

I'll compare the forum to the bar. You close the forum, people are bummed and may go elsewhere--much like the bar. Big difference is that people are spending money at the bar for drinks which helps keep it open (but rarely at the forum). The 'service' at the forum, in my opinion is hosting a place where people can meet and discuss their hobby from anywhere in the world as well as a place to download a bunch of free material for everyone.
The magazine (or free submitted adventures) is like your music: If you don't do the magazine, then people don't really care (no offense to your music in this example) because they still have a place to show up (forum).

2. The drunken rant was a poor attempt to rally a charity from the contests for forum costs. And was probably not my place to do so, but...beer...reasons. But I am disheartened that more people don't help out with forum costs. But I guess I shouldn't care because no one else seems too? I mean, teachers pay for their own materials to be able to teach school children (in my country) so I guess this is the same sort of neat deal people get stuck in?

3. The magazine is not a big deal but does serve as an example---which parallels your example perfectly. It helps me practice layout (and lately editing) so I get some personal benefit from it, much like you getting joy from making music. I did know what I was getting into, this is my second time doing it. I don't have to pay to do the magazine except with time (and a few stock art pieces). I think the drunken rant stems more from me just recently sending 100+ pages of stuff to Steve to review and edit after I looked over everything and thinking about all he is doing for people behind the scenes. And then beer happened.

Anyways, I hear what you are saying. I tip musicians when at a bar (although I rarely go out anymore). But my expectations of humans continually drops lower everyday. One day, perhaps I'll be at the level where everyone else is at and these drunken rants will stop.

If it's heavy metal--direct me to your record.


Should be playing D&D instead
I'm afraid you wouldn't like it.

I am on the home stretch on my adventure. I just have to scan the artwork & maps in and digi-fiddle with them, put it all into a layout of some kind, and then not think about it for a few days until I can do a final editing pass.

Two orcs

Officially better than you, according to PoN
I have not yet begun writing, though the broad strokes are all up in there. I plan to enter a fugue state later this week and get it done.


8, 8, I forget what is for
I'm definitely going to need that extension to next week to clean this enormous mess up. I put all my points in digital art as a kid. I have NO idea how to format word processing...


So ... slow work day? Every day?
I put all my points in digital art as a kid. I have NO idea how to format word processing...
I hear that. My other PC with my outdated copy of Adobe InDesign broke, so I had to re-learn layout on Scribus instead (because it's free). Problem is, I'm so set in my InDesign ways, and so alienated by the Scribus "obviously-designed-by-software-engineers-and-not-actual-users" clunky interface, that the process is taking forever.


8, 8, I forget what is for
I always wondered what Scribus was trying to emulate!
DP, you are too young to be set-in-your-ways.


So ... slow work day? Every day?
DP, you are too young to be set-in-your-ways.
You're too kind, and too wrong.

Also nice to know that 35 is considered "young". I mean, I'm going into my second marriage and just signed onto my second mortgage, so I certainly don't feel young.


8, 8, I forget what is for
I'm on Word 2013 here. Switched over from the much simpler Google Docs when it got harder and harder to place artwork inline. It looks like I'm going to have to assemble this thing in Acrobat which will be punishing. InDesign is definitely on my list of things to install and learn in the coming months.

I gave Scrivener a shot last year. You get 20 or 40 non-concurrent days free and then the price is pretty reasonable after that. It's got a lot of cool tools. Possibly too many if you're prone to distraction. There are a ton of templates out there including a couple of D&D Campaign Designer and Fantasy World Builder templates which make it super easy to just fill in the blanks with your own ideas and chisel away at the project from there. I was having a good time with the demo when I jumped ship for the Vanished Wastes last year...


8, 8, I forget what is for
Is there a docx or PDF template of the D&D OGL? Something where I could just fill in the blanks would be ideal. I'm not sure why I'm having such difficulty finding something like this...


So ... slow work day? Every day?
Is there a docx or PDF template of the D&D OGL? Something where I could just fill in the blanks would be ideal. I'm not sure why I'm having such difficulty finding something like this...
Guy Fullerton did a very helpful blog post about this a while back.

If he's kicking around here, he might have some choice insight.


Should be playing D&D instead
Holy shit boys, finished!!

Once ideas got rolling, the whole concept was quite easy. I decided to do something different and make it a 'good guy'-themed dungeon. This is new for me, since my players usually run ne'er-do-well scumbags (at my encouragement, I'll admit). They might have to run away and try to recruit a paladin or something to help them with this, who knows?

Upon reflection, the villainess in this adventure was definitely inspired by my last girlfriend. Am I now guilty of a Raggi-ism??

I had a lot of fun making this adventure, even though it took a ton of time and I almost went blind looking at my damned computer. I think doing the artwork might have been the most fun of all. I really put my rinky-dink 12-piece set of pencil crayons to the test!! I learned quite a bit from taking my notebook to Staples to scan everything in, instead of snapping a picture on my phone to put on my blog. Maybe I will start drawing pictures for my home game once in a while.

I find I'm most comfortable doing smaller 'hexcrawl location' size adventures, about 20-30 rooms. So this thing is not that big. To really do justice to all the ideas I had in there, I think it should really be twice the fucking size. But that would have taken me FOREVER.

I'd like to thank Akira Yamaoka, Miles Davis and Paracelsus.

drawings create a full cover BX.png

Define 'tomorrow' for those of us in other time zones...
Just send it in today!!
Failing that, tell us what time zone you're in, and maybe your deadline would be midnight *that* time?

EDIT: Phew! Drinky time.
Last edited:


8, 8, I forget what is for
I created a small open world with a bunch of things to do in it using a section of the wider Vanished Wastes from our out of control project over at Game Theory Coop. There are two point-crawls that should be thought of more as Hop-on, Hop-off tour buses than railroads, a couple of keyed mini-dungeons, a mini-procedural hex crawl and rules for joining a super-fun, cannibal cult!
Crunch is in 3.5. I tried to simplify and shrink it down so that ye olde school dinosaurs can use it on the fly the same way I use classic modules in my 3.5 games. There are a ton of Skill DC's because that's how we do in the new school; they should clearly point to what (if any) kind of ability checks or rrrrole playing you should be looking for from your old school PC's. I played it fast and loose modding my various critters and didn't keep track of how I built them, which made it an overwhelming task to write a New Monsters section, so I skipped it and I'm sorry.
I went nuts building and drawing my scenarios, so I have a ton of maps (collected at the back) but no hilarious cartoons. Maybe I'll circle back some day and con my boy Sketchy into contributing some art.
I could easily make a map pack for this that would include Roll20-ready player maps and battle maps if I thought anyone cared...
I think the Groundwater Deity came from outside the GTC thread, so I attributed @Malrex in the OGL. Let me know if you want your real name there as well/instead.
Anyway, it's a monster but hopefully an engaging read(?) I had a blast writing it and I'm glad I finished something for once!

Here's the LINK
