Quarantine Adventure Design Contest - The Random Generator


8, 8, I forget what is for
Blender is a free open-source 3D modeling tool that many people use as an alternative to 3DS MAX (although, I admit, I am not one --- I use one I programmed over a decade ago in C).


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
If you want something a little beefier than Word or Google Docs to use as a publishing software (since you won't chase down your copy of InDesign), I suggest Scribus. It's not user-friendly, but at least it's free.


8, 8, I forget what is for
Blender is a free open-source 3D modeling tool that many people use as an alternative to 3DS MAX (although, I admit, I am not one --- I use one I programmed over a decade ago in C).
Sure. Blender is to Maya and Max as Gimp is to Photoshop. Be careful what you choose to learn though; trying to shift gears to a different software package after getting over that initial learning curve is like learning to draw with your off-hand. I for example, LOATHE Maya, which has cost me more than one contract :(


So ... slow work day? Every day?
I was camping and drew my legendary art with pencil and paper. I threw them into my printer/scanner. The cover is from my camping trip. I took a picture with my camera. There is a app called Sketch Camera...so you can adjust your photo to make it look like someone drew it or painted it--sorta neat. The elephant is stock art.
I use a program called Serif Pageplus...I just import my writing from Libre Office into Serif...I LOVE Serif Pageplus. It cost me 50$. However...they don't support it/update it anymore which is a total shame--but its still totally usable. They now have programs called Affinity (Publisher, Photo, Designer)--these programs are cheap too..I think they are 50$ each. They look cool and I have them as well, but the thing I don't like about them is you can't import text into it so you would have to type right into it. I need to watch some videos on how to use it and haven't had time.

Sorta off-topic
Speaking of programs, check this out: Worldanvil.com
I'm starting to learn how to use it...great organizational tool for my team. The interactive map is pretty slick.


8, 8, I forget what is for
Worldanvil is pretty sweet man. I looked into it for adventure design a while ago. There was no way to collect bits of the campaign information and publish from it though.
I've been using VUE as a mind mapper for rapid prototyping and brain-storming. It's an handy way to lay out maps as point-crawls and then import them into your favourite mapping software. Like here's how I laid out the Pantheon Dungeon.
It's pretty good for coming up with and organizing lists like rumours or random encounters. You can export PDFs, PNGs and JPGs, unfortunately, you can't publish text from it, so you end up transcribing those lists :\ It's free and extremely easy to use. I've seen an attachment for Google Docs that does something similar, maybe it publishes?


A FreshHell to Contend With
I don't know if that'll be of any good to you, but I won't make it a secret. :)

I like to use the Adobe Creative Cloud, for the Flayed Whistle I worked with Illustrator and InDesign.
This year, I've made the decision to buy a Wacom Cintiq, there are newer models on the market now, but I just love the old thing!

Though, To be honest, I didn't use it for my adventure - only as a second screen. When I work with Illustrator, I still prefer the mouse. :)
For flow charts and plans I can recommend miro.com. It's a great online tool that also works great for collaborations.

3D modelling and animation were part of my studies, but I'd need more exercise and prefer 2D at the moment


8, 8, I forget what is for
Ah, I was wondering how you were getting those razor sharp lines! We used Illustrator for the layouts on 6teen. It was a nightmare :p
I have Cintiq envy. I've been looking at the Huion Kamvas's and wondering if they're any good...


A FreshHell to Contend With
Ah, I was wondering how you were getting those razor sharp lines! We used Illustrator for the layouts on 6teen. It was a nightmare :p
I have Cintiq envy. I've been looking at the Huion Kamvas's and wondering if they're any good...
I have never heard of the Huion Kamvas before, but it costs as much as I have paid for the cintiq (it's second hand) and it looks great. :)


Should be playing D&D instead
If you want something a little beefier than Word or Google Docs to use as a publishing software (since you won't chase down your copy of InDesign), I suggest Scribus. It's not user-friendly, but at least it's free.
I downloaded Scribus and started messing with it. There is a not-bad tutorial in the wiki that helps with some basic functions. It seems cool, and I will definitely try to put together my next PDF with it. It seems like one of those programs that doesn't do anything you don't tell it to. Which can be great, but often a curse for newbies.


8, 8, I forget what is for
Well, despite the fundamentally flawed voting system, this has been a mostly positive experience for me and I would highly recommend it to anyone lurking out there. It gave me the impetus to complete and polish a project for once. I discovered that given proper motivation I could write and produce a great deal of material in a short period of time. I improved and streamlined a number of digital art techniques. I familiarized myself with software I don't usually use and even started to dabble with the limitations of publishing.
Next time (hopefully there will BE a next time), we should come up with a more technically impartial ratings system (I am in no way drawing into question the integrity of our fine judges who I believe did their best to remain impartial despite a number of complicating factors), and once again, I invite anyone with half an idea floating around on the backburner to jump in and not be afraid. As you can see, everyone was quite civilized and encouraging. We're all here to support each other and nurture adventure writing. In the end, this is what this place is all about! Adventure Design and Reviews!🤘🤘
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So ... slow work day? Every day?
Yeah, it was fun. I was going to throw in a 3 page adventure or something silly, but then got pulled into doing an actual adventure--it was fun, although I wish I had more time to work on it (mainly not other projects going on at the same time). I'd be interested to see everyone who participated to publish their work....I felt it was a lot better than most stuff I have purchased.

So is Gilded Dream the winner? If I survive my lone wolf backpacking trip, which I guess there is suppose to be a storm with snow (brilliant), then Ill deliver on the award.
Malrex the Storm Greeter


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
Gilded Dream is the winner, yes, with a score of 24 to 23.5.

Gilded Dream (TerribleSorcery) - Malrex: 8; Grutzi: 9, DP: 7 - Total 24 (Gold)
Irradiated Paradox (The1True) - Malrex: 8.5; Grutzi: 7.5, DP: 7.5 - Total 23.5 (Silver)
Flayed Whistle (Rabenwonne) - Malrex: 7; Grutzi: 7; DP: 6.5 - Total 21.5 (Bronze)
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