Nice entries so far
And man ... 90 pages ... tell you what: I read the first 6 pages and judge based on that? deal? no? ... aw man... 90 pages dude... I've got kids that want to see me from time to time you know
Looking through the Gilded Dream right now and loving it... gotta throw it at my group one of these days
And sad news but my entry won't be finished in time.

Couple of reasons for that: Some real life stuff came up and kept me busy, my time management skills are shit it seems and so on...
There also was some dude, name starting with M or something, kept pestering me all the time ...
I promise to get it done these days and release it, just won't make it in time for the contest.
Though I consulted on my wife's entry which she will hopfully finish in the next few hours.
Go Rabenwonne go!
I would still like to judge the entries together with DP and Malrex if that is still on the table... don't really know if anything was ever decided there