The Lost Leagues / The Shadow Pearl


So ... slow work day? Every day?
Yes, I think the best praise you can give a first draft is that it is worth fixing, which this is.
Agreed. While I'm harping on many different points and it seems like I'm just shitting all over everything, I must say that the actual content of the stuff that does work is excellent. I hope my criticism doesn't discourage anything.

Two orcs

Officially better than you, according to PoN
Very good feedback so far, I appreciate it a lot. It's already given me many ideas for re-writes and additions, though I should run a playtest before that. Regarding layout, I do wonder if it's worth learning or if I should have someone else do it. Is there some standard work for beginners? I assume technical magazines and rpg material has a lot of overlap.


8, 8, I forget what is for
Unfortunately I don't have any "layout 101" tips to share, as mine was an informal education, over many decades (pre-internet).

Two orcs

Officially better than you, according to PoN
It's quite expensive but I might find a use for it at my table... is the layout worth copying?


8, 8, I forget what is for
I'm just going by the preview --- I haven't purchased it either --- but I would say the layout is generally good. The way the text works/moves-around the pictures especially. Some of the maps are a bit weak IMO, but others not.

I am generally not a huge fan of bouncing between single and two-column mode as much as they do---I think a more visually pleasing solution should have been found.

Again, I've seen it mentioned a few places favorably as an adventure....although packaging is a part of that. Byrce's whole "technical document" stance.