Two orcs
Officially better than you, according to PoN
The Sympathetic Axiom
A forgotten text rotting in a decrepid ruin. Reading, preaching and digesting the axiom takes a working week (48 hours), minus a number of working days equal to the Wisdom modifier of the preacher or reader. It can be done over many sessions. Those with a penalty to their Wisdom can never understand the Axiom. Once understood it cannot be forgotten. Everyone who understands the Axiom are subject to spell effects laid on any other who knows the Axiom, regardless of distance. If two Axiomatics are caught in the same spell at the same time (for example, hit by the same Fireball) they only suffer from the effect once.
If the Axiom spreads without control outside the confines of an adventuring party or cloistered group there is a high chance (an inevitability) that seemingly random spell effects take hold of a player character such as dreams of people Charming them, being Slept or Held or suffering magical damage or benefitting from magical healing. Another likely result if it spreads among normal men is that the great mass of them are slain at once if hit by powerful baleful magic. After this the Axiom gains a foul reputation and anyone preaching it is put on trial and likely tortured till they give up the location of the text so that it and the preacher can be burned (by magic as to kill any other carrier or by mundane fire if someone in authority fears for their own life).
A forgotten text rotting in a decrepid ruin. Reading, preaching and digesting the axiom takes a working week (48 hours), minus a number of working days equal to the Wisdom modifier of the preacher or reader. It can be done over many sessions. Those with a penalty to their Wisdom can never understand the Axiom. Once understood it cannot be forgotten. Everyone who understands the Axiom are subject to spell effects laid on any other who knows the Axiom, regardless of distance. If two Axiomatics are caught in the same spell at the same time (for example, hit by the same Fireball) they only suffer from the effect once.
If the Axiom spreads without control outside the confines of an adventuring party or cloistered group there is a high chance (an inevitability) that seemingly random spell effects take hold of a player character such as dreams of people Charming them, being Slept or Held or suffering magical damage or benefitting from magical healing. Another likely result if it spreads among normal men is that the great mass of them are slain at once if hit by powerful baleful magic. After this the Axiom gains a foul reputation and anyone preaching it is put on trial and likely tortured till they give up the location of the text so that it and the preacher can be burned (by magic as to kill any other carrier or by mundane fire if someone in authority fears for their own life).