The Boomers were the spoiled generation that benefited from their parents (the GI "Greatest" Gen) saving the world in WWII. When asked to go to Viet Nam they protested. They also were over-stuffed full of rules by the GI's and as a result rebelled against any and all restrictions on their behavior, eternally chasing abstract "freedom". Birth control (the Pill) hit around the same time, so there was a lot of sex and early feminism. They also complained about getting a job and instead degenerated Western Civ and everything about it as hippies---appropriating Black and Native American Culture (e.g. civil rights, rock 'n roll, and naturalism). They started the Culture War and made it "normal" to be atheists. They also brought swearing into mainstream movies and polite company. Generally deadbeats and narcissists that fueled the decadent/stagflation 70's until, in the 80's, they later became super materialistic Yuppies when they finally had some money. The media used to call them the "Me Generation", but they eventually took over everywhere and squashed that, rebranding themselves as great revolutionarys despite overwhleming evidence to the contrairy. They hated Nixon more than Trump and will were by-and-large democrats. Their kids are the Millennials who were fed, whole-hog, a warped liberalism/marxism and (self)hatred of the West and whom started flexing their generational muscle via social media. Now they've reached the yuppie-phase and need houses. These are sweeping and unfair generalizations, of course.
Both Boomers and Millennials were population bulges. The Silent Gen and their kids (Gen X) are the tiny waists in between the tits and the asses.
No. I'm not bitter. It's just how I remember it. My Dad also told me about how the Boomers harassed him and called him names when he flew home on a commercial flight in his uniform---returning from his (draft) tour in Viet Nam. Jerks.