
8, 8, I forget what is for
Fire Pit Sacrifice

More of the usual Swords & Sorcery derriere debauchery as I practice some figure rim lighting.
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8, 8, I forget what is for
Another take on the xenomorph-inspired Ethereal Ghul for my aborted NAP III planar adventure. The "graphic style" was done with Sienkiewicz in mind (and to a lesser extent, Miller/Mazzucchelli). It could probably use a bit more blood-splatter.

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Should be playing D&D instead

With the winners chosen for NAP3 Prince said he is calling for 3 weeks to make the PDF.

He said people can revise and submit art! You should submit art! The winners would love to have you


8, 8, I forget what is for
Excuse the salacious nature of this one, but I had to share this slice of serendipity. Without using a reference image of any sort, I quick-sketched a torso that (to me) looks like I was sitting in on a 1950s Life Drawing art class. I don't think it's so much what I drew, but what your mind fills in from the lack of detail and overall softness to the shading and form. There's likely a lesson to extract from every happy art accident.

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