The rhythm of life


i fucking hate writing ...
Staff member
Certain things make sense. The changing of the seasons with their holidays, harvests and festivals from fertility & maypoles to summer and harvest and the rebirth of the sun in winter. Pork chops & applesauce or peanut butter and jelly, or the slow transformation of Diana over the month from new to full. The rhythm of life. And sitting under a railroad bridge in the early light with the full moon out, sipping on your Mad Dog 20/20 just after donating plasma.



i fucking hate writing ...
Staff member
Nah, girlfriend is a self-employed music teacher. She's been hit hard, so when she said she was going to sell plasma I told her I would go with her and do it also, to be supportive. But, everything should be an adventure! Hence the 20/20.


i fucking hate writing ...
Staff member
It's very weird.
I usually have a diet heavy on fresh fruit, and a salad for dinner with raw veggies and nuts/seeds, etc.

But I'm now on a low fiber diet for a procedure on Monday. It's all "No fresh fruit or veg!" and "not buts or seeds or hulls skins!" and "processed foods only! mushy meats like lunchmeat!" and "carbs and pasta!" ... all of which is essentially foreign to me for the past decade or so.

Weird eating mushy salt fatty processed stuff again.

But ... booze is ok. :)


i fucking hate writing ...
Staff member
I'm going mostly offline. If you need me drop me an email.

I can't get motivated. Book progress is ok, but on review mornings I just look at the screen and sigh. So, I'm going to force my hand. I'm going straight down the list, no picking and choosing. Just one sorry thing after another. Expect weirdness.


Should be playing D&D instead
Together with Gravity, Electromagnetism, the weak and strong Force Bryce's adamant will to power through mountains of garbage for the sake of other people is one of the core forces keeping the multiverse together.
I fear the day when Bryce decides to skip reviewing an adventure because he thinks it's bad before he has read it :/


Should be playing D&D instead
There are some strong authors with newly released material people might not have picked up. I know I always wait for your take before I decide to support physical product.

Use one of those authors to pick you up!


i fucking hate writing ...
Staff member
Where is the joy in this?
You are supposed to do things because you find joy in them. I have yet to be able to reconcile this with reviewing, learning a language, or any of the thousands of other daily tasks that seem like obligations rather than joys. When every activity results in this and all thats left is boredom, what then Zarathustra?


8, 8, I forget what is for
Are you saying your life is a choice between boredom and obligation?
I assume you started reviewing these things for the joy of something.
The joy of writing? (ha!)
The joy of sharing with a community?
The joy of being a cautionary tail to others? (this is a thing)
The joy of figuring out precisely what makes a good adventure work and a bad one bomb?
The joy of occasionally reading something spectacular and being able to spread the word?
Find your joy man, because you sure bring us a shitload of happiness and I'd hate to think you're not deriving an equal amount of it.


8, 8, I forget what is for
It is not for you to complete the work,
but neither are you free to desist from it.
Whole heartily agree. Modern society, in absence of answers for life's big questions, has placed personal happiness as its core conceit. Moving away from that ultimate goal was probably the biggest mental inversion of my 40's.


So ... slow work day? Every day?
You are supposed to do things because you find joy in them. I have yet to be able to reconcile this with reviewing, learning a language, or any of the thousands of other daily tasks that seem like obligations rather than joys. When every activity results in this and all thats left is boredom, what then Zarathustra?
Joy, and peace, is not found or gained in what we do. Securing those precedes what we do, as otherwise we don’t do as much or as well.


i fucking hate writing ...
Staff member
Whole heartily agree. Modern society, in absence of answers for life's big questions, has placed personal happiness as its core conceit. Moving away from that ultimate goal was probably the biggest mental inversion of my 40's.
I read somewhere that both love and happiness are invented concepts, love by the romantic poets.