Summer Adventure Design Contest - "The Doodle Contest"


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
Thanks to all who participated in the Spring event (found HERE).

Since there was a big hulabaloo about art in the last one, if anyone wants to show us what they can do, I'm thinking of providing ONLY THE ART PIECES for the next adventure design challenge... hopefully it lets us see what you can come up with in a more open playfield, ya? Use the art provided to inspire and illustrate your best summer adventure! The best adventure (this time covering both outdoor AND dungeon/lair components) wins the event, and will earn the right to call themselves the Summer 2019 Gold Medallist! *confetti*

Here are the pieces for your writing purposes. Good luck.

Entries should be submitted before August 1 2019 if you wish it to be considered for the contest.

Before it's asked: You may distribute these doodles in your own materials/blogs/etc. freely - I made them, and promise I won't sue anybody :) Attribution is appreciated.
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My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
Excited to see what anyone wants to come up with! Results can be posted in here. I'll totally see about some kind of prize or something.


So ... slow work day? Every day?
Unfortunately, I won't be able to do this one. I promised to move forward with some other projects and I'm behind. DangerousPuhson--As an option, I'd be happy to throw one of my published adventures in as a prize...winner's choice. If you got something else in mind, no worries.


8, 8, I forget what is for
That is some seriously whacked art. I'm afraid if I stare at it too long I will go mad.


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
That is some seriously whacked art. I'm afraid if I stare at it too long I will go mad.
I'm sorry to have offended your delicate sensitivities. Didn't realize you were so... "Squeen-ish"! Pun'd!

I think it's decent enough for drawing with a mouse, no?


My my my, we just loooove to hear ourselves don't we?
Just a reminder for anyone in this contest - entries due by Aug 1 which is NEXT WEEK.

Get em in now, or Gandalf wins by default!


A FreshHell to Contend With
Saw this thread months ago and thought it was a fun project and a good way to practice some of the ideas that have come up in Bryce's reviews, so I've been working on an adventure since. I'll post it this weekend.


Should be playing D&D instead
I'll try to wriggle something out in time ;)
Finally had a nice idea I can get behind ... but had a lot of stuff on my plate up until recently and can't say for sure if I will make the deadline :/


8, 8, I forget what is for
Yeah, I thought this was a good opportunity to try some of the ideas in Ultimate User-Friendliness.
My only quibble would be that the top-level map should appear up front so it was clear where the little section-ettes were derived from.

I also really liked how you grey out the non-keyed rooms and corridors. Points for style.

Two really solid entries so far.

Very unlikely I'll get my little encounter-area ready in time---busy summer. Blah blah blah.


Should be playing D&D instead
Sad news folks:
I won't be participating in this contest :/
While I have a decent idea to work from (not to mention the excellent doodles by DP) I had too much else to do the last few weeks to get anything presentable together.

I would volunteer as one of the judges for the entries if that helps ;)