Should be playing D&D instead
As promised heres the thread regarding our Starting Location 1.
Arnlaugs Carcass
34 years ago famous bandit lord Arnlaug the Joyous, finally tired of robbing and blackmailing the nobles, set out to find something new.
At the fringes of the mountain (the zone? the plateau?), hidden in a small valley he found the fossilized carcass of a giant, vaguely insectoid creature.
In the cavities inside the long dead creature he build his stronghold, attracting all kinds of dishonorable folk over the years.
A safe haven for all kind of thieving folks and down on their luck nobodys, Arnlaugs Carcass is a rather chaotic place.
Rumor has it that deep inside the Carcass Arnlaugs workers mine for gold, silver, gems and even stranger materials ... found nowhere else.
As I find it tremendously easier to work with some visual aids I drew some quick map how i imagine the place right now.
Arnlaugs Carcass Map
In the Front we got Mandible Market (the Mandibles?) a kind of rough and dirty thieves market.
Through the mouth we'll get into the Innards where Alchemists grow Fungus and other strange ingredients, fortune tellers do their work and healers use the minerals to tend to the wounded. To the north lies the shanty town of those that aren't well regarded even in this chaotic environment. The Ill, the crazy or simply those that ran afoul of the wrong people.
On top of the main body lies Arnlaugs keep from where he rules his little kingdom with an iron grip. A waterfall drops down into a huge basin from where it flows into the great beasts body to emerge in the town proper and exit to the east at the tails.
At the end of the beast lie the mines where Arnlaugs men dig deep into the beasts body to unearth gold, silver and other even more precious materials.
What exactly goes on there is privy only to Arnlaugs men and those that work there ... even though none of the workers ever leave as they live in a special Area just south of the mines.
Anyone crossing Arnlaug or his men the wrong way gets thrown into the mines ... never to return.
The Town proper lies in between two of the beasts great legs and is generally called In-Between Plaza because of this.
The proper Gate to the west and the rubble gate to the east allow passage into the town ... even tough both are controlled and taxed heavily by Arnlaugs mercenaries.
Special Places:
The Broken Pincer Inn
Just outside of town lies the Broken Pincer Inn, named so because it actually lies inside the giant, broken Pincer of the long dead creature.
Founded by the retired Cleric Asturval it's sort of a neutral ground between the different factions in the city.
The raised Leg
While the whole beast lies dead inside a small valley, one of it's main legs is still raised as if to hoist the gigantic body upwards at a moments notice.
On top of the "knee" Arnlaug build a small watchtower to survey the surrounding lands. Rumor has it, that a hidden passage allows Arnlaugs men unseen entry into the town.
So far from my side.
I will build more from here on, but I'm glad about any help or criticism.
The Mines allow for a bit of exploration even inside the town. And right now I imagine sort of 3 factions: Arnlaug and his mercenaries, a sort of thieves guild and some group of alchemists and healers. The broken Pincer Inn and Shantytown would be relatively neutral.
Ideas to work from:
Do something with the eyes of the carcass?
Strange materialsthat Arnlaug uses to keep the upper hand in his struggles.
Strange religion worshipping the beast?
All of this is still in a rough state and open to any change necessary.

And now you can see the map ...
Arnlaugs Carcass
34 years ago famous bandit lord Arnlaug the Joyous, finally tired of robbing and blackmailing the nobles, set out to find something new.
At the fringes of the mountain (the zone? the plateau?), hidden in a small valley he found the fossilized carcass of a giant, vaguely insectoid creature.
In the cavities inside the long dead creature he build his stronghold, attracting all kinds of dishonorable folk over the years.
A safe haven for all kind of thieving folks and down on their luck nobodys, Arnlaugs Carcass is a rather chaotic place.
Rumor has it that deep inside the Carcass Arnlaugs workers mine for gold, silver, gems and even stranger materials ... found nowhere else.
As I find it tremendously easier to work with some visual aids I drew some quick map how i imagine the place right now.
Arnlaugs Carcass Map
In the Front we got Mandible Market (the Mandibles?) a kind of rough and dirty thieves market.
Through the mouth we'll get into the Innards where Alchemists grow Fungus and other strange ingredients, fortune tellers do their work and healers use the minerals to tend to the wounded. To the north lies the shanty town of those that aren't well regarded even in this chaotic environment. The Ill, the crazy or simply those that ran afoul of the wrong people.
On top of the main body lies Arnlaugs keep from where he rules his little kingdom with an iron grip. A waterfall drops down into a huge basin from where it flows into the great beasts body to emerge in the town proper and exit to the east at the tails.
At the end of the beast lie the mines where Arnlaugs men dig deep into the beasts body to unearth gold, silver and other even more precious materials.
What exactly goes on there is privy only to Arnlaugs men and those that work there ... even though none of the workers ever leave as they live in a special Area just south of the mines.
Anyone crossing Arnlaug or his men the wrong way gets thrown into the mines ... never to return.
The Town proper lies in between two of the beasts great legs and is generally called In-Between Plaza because of this.
The proper Gate to the west and the rubble gate to the east allow passage into the town ... even tough both are controlled and taxed heavily by Arnlaugs mercenaries.
Special Places:
The Broken Pincer Inn
Just outside of town lies the Broken Pincer Inn, named so because it actually lies inside the giant, broken Pincer of the long dead creature.
Founded by the retired Cleric Asturval it's sort of a neutral ground between the different factions in the city.
The raised Leg
While the whole beast lies dead inside a small valley, one of it's main legs is still raised as if to hoist the gigantic body upwards at a moments notice.
On top of the "knee" Arnlaug build a small watchtower to survey the surrounding lands. Rumor has it, that a hidden passage allows Arnlaugs men unseen entry into the town.
So far from my side.
I will build more from here on, but I'm glad about any help or criticism.
The Mines allow for a bit of exploration even inside the town. And right now I imagine sort of 3 factions: Arnlaug and his mercenaries, a sort of thieves guild and some group of alchemists and healers. The broken Pincer Inn and Shantytown would be relatively neutral.
Ideas to work from:
Do something with the eyes of the carcass?
Strange materialsthat Arnlaug uses to keep the upper hand in his struggles.
Strange religion worshipping the beast?
All of this is still in a rough state and open to any change necessary.
And now you can see the map ...
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