Mike's World


Should be playing D&D instead
I don't have anything to say that has not already been said.

Lets play some D&D folks!

With that, I thought this thread would be helpful to discuss Mike's World rather than simply say its good or bad. We know its good.

What we need is anaylsis.


Should be playing D&D instead
One thing I noted from Gabor is beyond some munchkining, was this, "It is not an adventure yet – it needs a little extra to motivate the party and get them going, such as a few rumours and perhaps a scattering of more detailed dungeon sites...".

So lets do it Tenfootpolians, d6 Rumor table, go!

For the detailed dungeon sites would some one page dungeons do the trick or is somthing more substantial needed? A mix of both?

If so, what would you all suggest to match the JRR T strange magic, old forgotten history, man v wilderness vibe?


Should be playing D&D instead
Adding Gene Ws new adventure. I feel Mike wants OG B2 in there.

So instead of replacing the caves I need to find another location for it.

Another canidate to expand the bones could be:
Map 1 - S for Bastion of the Boglings by G Gilespe?

Why have the stirges torn down the statues of the boglings old gods in the dungeon below and to prepare for what? Why do they need to capture Elves and Humans?

For too long has man forgotten the Gem Eyed Stone Gods, but from this pentagonal building they shall rise!


Should be playing D&D instead
Today's thought is to find a place for Courtneys adventure Dread Eye! Its fits with the wilderness sandbox theme and its openness seems to be a good fit! Will browse the map with more. Mikes world goes high level very quick so I have no problem telegraphing that


High Executarch
I've been dying to check out Mike's World as some legit OSR but I am elbow deep in my contest, my inbox is overflowing with review copies and I still have Gene's Broken Castle and Melan's Xyntillian to tackle, and that's besides the Gygax/Barrowmaze stuff.


Should be playing D&D instead
The idea of the product and my goal if i get another game is to just take B2 and go from there.

Just B2, praise gygax. Build and tailor to your group, go east my children.

My task now is to find puzzle pieces that could provide needed depth based on player actions and interest.

Today i am looking at elfmaids and Oct. Using tables to combine prompts as sparks of inspiration


8, 8, I forget what is for
@Osrnoob : Yes, start with B2, but then free yourself and just start authoring your own stuff for the campaign. It is ultimately how the game was meant to be played. The reward is 1000 fold.


Should be playing D&D instead
@Osrnoob : Yes, start with B2, but then free yourself and just start authoring your own stuff for the campaign. It is ultimately how the game was meant to be played. The reward is 1000 fold.
Yes yes! I think thats what makes mikes so good. Is you feel you have the support and tools to create. There are seeds everywhere.

Many settings get in the way I feel. Yes I am reading this writers brain but its so intense you will change the milleau of the setting. Hopefully you know what I am talking about?

Many liscenced rpg products are like that too or pet campaign splatbooks some person wrote. Great ideas I bet it was a blast to play in buttttf
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A FreshHell to Contend With
The idea of the product and my goal if i get another game is to just take B2 and go from there.

Just B2, praise gygax. Build and tailor to your group, go east my children.

My task now is to find puzzle pieces that could provide needed depth based on player actions and interest.

Today i am looking at elfmaids and Oct. Using tables to combine prompts as sparks of inspiration
Have you seen the Gygax-75 challenge by Ray Otus (couldn't be "that guy's son, could it? Naaah too obvious.)

I apologize if it's inappropriate to post this link. I think it's OK.

It's a free workbook that outlines a five week process to develop your game world based on the Gygax advice article in a fanzine early in D&D history. You can also find part three of the articles Gary wrote, but the first one is missing and no one knows where to find it AFAIK.

[if you know, Please post the link]

Anyway, anyone can do this and I recommend it. Really creating your own Mike's World (extension of B2) is weeks 2 and 3 in the process. Or you can consider all of the process as creation of your own Mike's World.

Highly recommended. This will give you the skills that you hint that you feel you lack. Try reading the Gygax-75 challenge and see if it doesn't just inspire you.


A FreshHell to Contend With
Aftet reading Mike's World I feel like everyone should write their own B2 extension as a first assignment in D&D.

The Gygax-75 challenge I mentioned above is a help to that. If you take the keep and caves of chaos as a mini dungeon, you can even skip the "nearby town" step (use the keep as "the town" in week 4) and you can finish in four weeks. But the whole process is liberating as squeen described above.

I'll post the link one more time. Bet you can't tell what I'm working on...



Certainly helps you understand the classics. Take them apart, reassemble, add your own spin - it's a good way of learning the craft behind these titles.


Should be playing D&D instead
This is a great shout! I have this process filed in my folders as a great activity to worldbuild.

I have seen some 75 workbooks before a couple years ago. Multiple people have discussed/ made stuff for this I believe. Its a good spur for sure and what I saw was presented well.

I think one reason I did not jump on this as its a bit too in depth for my style?

We play online now in short bursts and with new players who to many respects play without factoring in rules. I focus on the simple procedures and hexes and based on questions say roll x or y you know? I have brought up more rules to them before but there has not been movment on it thus far.

Its a fun project and way to structure hobby time

In a similar way the most in depth thing of this nature I have done is sketch out a couple cities and adventure locales on a floor sized paper using In Corpathium and Goon Suin as an oracle.
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Should be playing D&D instead