8, 8, I forget what is for
Yeah, its almost like a play for dialogue.I'm not so sure about that part. Pathfinder is a recent acquisition, and the protection isn't a 100% guarantee even against a mere Morganti weapon let alone a Great Weapon.
But Aliera probably would claim to find soul destruction as ho-hum as regular death if not more so.
“And otherwise we’ll be killed, I assume,” said Aliera, as if she were being threatened with not being allowed to dinner.
Cawti took my hand, and a little later I said, “Okay, start over, all right? I was distracted by sheer terror.”Aliera sniffed; she was of the school that figured bravery meant never being scared, or at least never admitting it. Morrolan, who was a little saner, seemed to understand, and the Necromancer, of course, had no idea what there had been to be afraid of.
What great characters.
On reflection, I don't know what a narrative from Aliera's perspective would look like. She is so driven by insecurity, she would be the most unreliable of narrators. I was reminded of this by your quote about her not admitting to be scared; but also the fact that she used to wear too-long dresses and levitate everywhere so people wouldn't know she was short. I wonder if Brust will ever do anything with that. Do I remember correctly that she was at ground zero when the lesser sea of chaos was created? I wonder if she has PTSD from that.
BTW, I have this theory that Vlad was Mario, and the whole love story that Paarfi concocted was more the recognition of their past connection.