if/then text.
rays book comes to mind
is this really an active voice/passive coice kind of thing?
Is there a real jargon name for that?
rays got a taste of that pedantic editor that i am in a war against
in order to ... (if/then)
expletive contructes (passive) (from rays book)
there is an old wise man who watches over the children
an old wise man watches over the children
you fnd yourself ... (ray)
Rays empty words
past/vs future tense ray
redundant modifiers - ray "a single strip runs down its back" ... in contracts to
participles is hope to sire an heir
hopes to sire an heir
real passive voice - the dwarf chopped down the tree, the tree was choppsed down by the dwarf
he thinks nothing is wrong with it. i hate it. if the party goes in to the lair ...
player character actions - when the party opens the door then ...
and rays "yo do this" controlling the player actions
seems to, appears to ...
printing out rays book to hilight things and talk to him
rays book comes to mind
is this really an active voice/passive coice kind of thing?
Is there a real jargon name for that?
rays got a taste of that pedantic editor that i am in a war against
in order to ... (if/then)
expletive contructes (passive) (from rays book)
there is an old wise man who watches over the children
an old wise man watches over the children
you fnd yourself ... (ray)
Rays empty words
past/vs future tense ray
redundant modifiers - ray "a single strip runs down its back" ... in contracts to
participles is hope to sire an heir
hopes to sire an heir
real passive voice - the dwarf chopped down the tree, the tree was choppsed down by the dwarf
he thinks nothing is wrong with it. i hate it. if the party goes in to the lair ...
player character actions - when the party opens the door then ...
and rays "yo do this" controlling the player actions
seems to, appears to ...
printing out rays book to hilight things and talk to him
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